
Maps index

Driving directions UK with traffic information

Driving directions Manchester with traffic information

Wigan map, satellite images and street views

Map of London

Driving directions Edinburgh, with traffic information.

Input start location and intended destination. Then click "Go" to find the route".  You may choose alternative modes of travel: car, bike or walking, as you wish. The route map may expanded to see more detail.  Step by step driving directions are shown lower down.

Mode: Units: 

Button: Click here to display interactive map

If the names or postcodes that you type in for your starting point and destination are not the expected places, such as a similar names place in a different country or county then try adding additional words such as the wanted country or county.

This "driving directions in Edinburgh, Scotland" page is based on a Google Maps API example.

Traffic congestion is shown using superimposed colour markings on the roads.  Orange, red and black show increasingly bad congestion.

If you find errors in the maps such as wrong street names, please look along the lower egde of the map and click for links to companies who are responsible for the mapping data and the satellite images. If you go to the web sites of those companies it is sometimes possible to submit your observations and eventually get the maps updated.  This may take some time!

Page started 26 Jan 2012, amended 6 March 2022, 28 July 2023.