
Africa index

Africa satellite internet forum

VSAT training in Africa

VSAT installers Africa

Satellite dish pointing in West Africa

Satellite dish pointing Nairobi, Kenya

Satellite TV dish pointing South Africa

Dish pointing in Sudan and Ethiopia

iSAT Africa Ltd.

iDirect services for Evolution X1 and Evolution X3

iSAT Africa Ltd. FZC has its head office based in Dubai.

Currently actively involved in various VSAT projects in and around Africa, iSAT Africa works through local Agents to ensure that there is a true feel of the market on the ground.

iDirect Teleports

iDirect internet connection services are offered from HUBs located at Teleports in both Africa and Europe:

New Territories

iSAT Africa has spread its wings beyond Africa.

They offer Ku-Band service in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries using Yahsat 1A. Remote customer sites can use an iDirect Evolution X3 modem and a 1.2m Antenna combined with a 2W BUC!

Middle East/South Asia - Ku-BAND - Yahsat 1A

iDirect for SOHO and Business

The iDirect platforms offer services for every kind of user, giving our Agents a wide range of choices for their end-users.

Satellite Service Integration

We welcome all inquiries and would be pleased to bring new Agents on board.

Please note that iSAT Africa has the skills to design customized VSAT Solutions as well as provide SCPC/SCPC and SCPC/DVBS2 Solutions.

For complete Satellite Solutions including Broadcasting, Teleport Co-location and VSAT Hybrid solutions, iSAT Africa is the strong Partner that will provide the right solution.

Visit their website http://www.isatafrica.com to learn more about iSAT Africa.

For information on how to become an iSAT Africa Agent, please send an email to Janice Simon on email address info@isatafrica.com

Satellite service coverage zones:

iDirect on Eutelsat W2A: C band, Africa
All Africa - C-band - W2A

iDirect on SES4: C Band, Africa
Africa - C-band - SES4

iDirect on Newskies NSS12: Ku band, East Africa
East Africa - Ku-Band - NSS12

iDirect on Telstar 11N: Ku band, West, Central and Southern Africa
West Africa - Ku-Band - T11N

iDirect on Yahsat 1A: Ku band, Middle East
Middle East/South Asia - Ku-BAND - Yahsat 1A

I have written this page at the request of iSat Africa. The information and images are derived from information provided by iSAT Africa and are used here with kind permission.  This is not a paid for advertisement.

Page created 1 Feb 2013, amended 4 April 2021