Relevant links on this web site:

Satellite broadband USA

Maritime mobile

New Era Systems

HughesNet Dustyfoot tripod

Wildblue Ka band

SES Government solutions


Dish pointing Peru

Marine satellite communications for Brazil, Argentina, Chile

NSS7 South America Ku cone beam serving Chile, Argentia, Uraguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia

Telenor have a satellite broadband service for South America waters using NSS7 coverage.

It is being used successfully by Engenharia Eletrônica Marinha who use it for  marine applications in Brazilian, Argentinian and Chilean coastal waters.

The service is called Wavecall by Telenor, using Wavecall 4003 4006 equipments and pointing to NSS7 satellite at 22 deg West orbit longitude.

It is reported to work very well, including coverage of the very southernmost point of the continent, Cape Horn and Patagonia, at
52 degrees south, with satellite beam elevations as low as 14 deg.


Engenharia Eletrônica Marinha
Rua Democrata 39 - Largo 2 de Julho
CEP 40060-100 - Salvador - BA - Brasil
Ph / Fax: +55 71 3322-2293
Mobile:   +55 71 9967-0774

Page started 14 Aug 2007, amended 9 March 2024