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Satellite dish pointing angle calculator for Oman

Click button here to display interactive map

Choose your desired orbit longitude and satellite name here:

You must click on the map after selecting the satellite. This will refresh the pap display.

Instructions for satellite dish pointing in Oman

If you want a satellite different from Arabsat (BADR) at 26 deg east select the satellite you want to point towards using the pull down menu box at the lower left.  The Arabsat (BADR) at 26 deg east orbit longitude is just an example.

Put the grab hand shaped mouse cursor near your location, hold the left mouse down and  drag to the centre of the map.  Alternatively double click the hand and the map display should now jump so that your chosen location is in the middle. The lat and long of the map centre is then shown below, together with your satellite dish pointing azimuth, elevation and polarisation angles.

To improve the accuracy, click on the plus sign in the navigation boxes at the upper left side of the map.  The scale will get bigger so that you can accurately find your site.  Repeat several times if necessary.  You may investigate the cities and streets for accurate location information.  For satellite antenna pointing, an approximation is OK. 

Dish pointing (Azimuth and elevation mount):

Set the dish elevation angle first. This is the up/down angle. There may be an elevation scale on the back of the mount bracket. An inclinometer may be of use..

Setting the feed linear polarisation angle involves rotating the BUC/LNB.  There may be polarisation rotation scale at the narrow feed throat.   Facing the satellite, a clockwise adjustment is positive. If the satellite is more or less due south of you then the polarisation adjustment required is minimal.  When the satellite is further east or west the polarisation adjustment required is much larger.

For the side to side azimuth bearing use a magnetic compass and boldly swing the dish sideways near that angle.  You should find the satellite on the first swing, then spend half an hour peaking up.  Peaking up is very important for long term service quality and minimum outage time during any rain fades.

The azimuth direction is also shown by the blue line. If you consider the blue line and adjacent buildings or roof edges it may help you point your dish.

The capital city of Muscat and the towns of Nizwa, Ibra, Sur, Salalah and Taqah, Oman should all be visible on the initial display.

Disclaimer and Safety Warning:

The results of this page may be in error,  The latitude and longitude are not intended for the blind navigation of aircraft, ship or other vehicle purposes.  Dish pointing angles may be wrong.  Magnetic azimuth bearings are approximate.  Use is entirely at your own risk.   Apply common sense and don't believe every number that comes out of a computer system.  Take care with satellite dish pointing to not injure others by dropping tools or hurting yourself by falling down.  Use GPS as an alternative.

Local regulations may require licences to operate satellite TV or VSAT.

This page is on the satsig.net web site and is strictly Copyright Satellite Signals Limited (c) 2015 All rights reserved. Please report any copyright infringements to eric@satsig.net , also feedback on technical errors or problems with this page.  Thanks.

Page started 22 Dec 2015. Updated 26 Nov 2024.