Select your wanted satellite or geostationary orbit location in the box at the lower left. The Wildblue satellite internet network is just an example.
Put your mouse cursor at
your location and double click or just drag the map.
The map display will move so that the selected point is in the centre. The latitude and longitude of the centre of the map is then shown below the map, together with your satellite dish pointing azimuth, elevation and skew angles. Alternatively type your postal
ZIP code or town name into the box below. 72201 is just an example.
Type your ZIP code or city name like Little Rock.
To refine the accuracy, click on the plus sign + in the navigation boxes at the upper left side of the map. The scale will magnify so that you can home in accurately on your location. Repeat. Choose the Satellite or Hybrid map version to see the satellite photo image of the ground or even your house !
Dish pointing (Azimuth and elevation mount):
Set the dish elevation angle first. This is the up/down
angle. Use the elevation scale on the back of the dish.
Set the polarization or skew angle also. This involves either rotating the
LNB or the entire dish assembly. There may be a polarization rotation
scale on the feed throat or a larger circular scale behind the dish.
Facing the satellite, clockwise is positive. Polarization must
be set to 1 deg accuracy for transmit dishes and this normally involves
talking to the VSAT hub. For the azimuth bearing use a compass or just think
where the sun is and the time of day and boldly swing the dish sideways.
You should find the satellite on the first swing, then spend half an hour
peaking up. Accurate peaking up is important for long term service
quality and minimum outage time during rain fades.
Dish pointing (Polar mount):
Only your latitude matters. Set the main motor axis angle
and the small downward tilt of the dish and with the motor central align the
dish towards the due south satellite. Motor rotation angles to
the east are positive, to the west negative.
When it initially appears the map should be large enough to show all of Arkansas, with the following towns marked: Rogers, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Hot Springs, Benton, El Dorado, Paragould and Jonesboro. If you click on locations the map will enlarge and you will see smaller towns. Using the satellite image or hybrid option will enable you to probably see your house !
Disclaimer and Safety Warning:
The results of this page may be in error, The lat and long are intended for satellite dish aiming purposes and not intended for the blind navigation of aircraft, ship or other vehicle purposes. Dish pointing angles may be wrong. Magnetic azimuth bearings, if shown, are approximate.
Use is entirely at your own risk.
Apply common sense and don't believe every number that comes out of a computer system!. Take care with satellite dish pointing to not injure others by dropping wrenches, tools or hurting yourself by falling down.
This page is on the web site and is strictly Copyright Satellite Signals Limited (c) 2006 All rights reserved. Please report any copyright infringements to , also feedback on technical errors or problems with this page. If you notice that any of the satellites listed in the pull down menu list are in the wrong orbit position, with wrong name etc or you want additions or deletions please say. Many thanks. Page started 23 May 2008, amended 28 July 2023. |