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Street Views in the UK

Click button here to display interactive map

Instructions for people looking for a Street View in the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England

Put your mouse cursor near the wanted location and then double click or simply drag the map.  The map image will move so that the chosen point is in the centre.

To increase or decrease the scale resolution, click on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign at the side.  The scale changes so that you can home in accurately on the wanted street or street view location.  Repeat several times. 

When you are ready click on the orange man icon and drag over the map to the blue road where the camera for the street view has visited.

Orient the street view image using the panning control and compass circle in the upper left. Experiment till you learn how to use it.

Please note that this page is free of charge for you to use. Unfortunately, since July 2018,  I now I have to pay Google for each page load, each location geo-coded and for each use of the Yellow man icon for looking at the images where the Google camera vehicles have visited. The cost of this all tends to add up with thousands of access perm month at about 0.5p per item!, so please go easy on usage. If you see that "Daily Quota Exceeded" - then sorry, please go to some other web site. Thank you for your understanding.l  The income for this web site is just the Google adverts.

This page is based on the Google Maps Javascript API. The street view images have been taken by Google camera. Please choose this page if appropriate:  Latitude and longitude finder

Satellite dish pointing UK

If you are going on holiday I suggest you find your hotel and then view the hotel as seen from the road and also browse around the nearby streets to get some idea of what the area is like. This page will work abroad in places where the Google camera cars have travelled and taken photos of the views as seen from the road.

Coded in Google API V3 Javascript mapping software, Feb 2011.

This streetview is on the satsig.net web site. Copyright Satellite Signals Limited © 2006 All rights reserved.  Feedback on technical errors or problems with this page please to me at eric@satsig.net.  Thank you.

Page started 23rd Feb 2011, updated 16 Aug 2023