
Asia satellite services

Satellite internet in Indonesia

iDirect Hub in Hong Kong serving Western Pacific

Hawaii Pacific Teleport for the Asia /Pacific area

Satellite TV dish pointing: South east Asia

Satellite broadband for the Pacific Islands from SpeedCast

SINOSAT Satellite

The SINOSAT-1 was launched from the Xichang, China on July 18, 1998 using a Chinese LM-3B launch vehicle and is now located at 110.5 degrees E orbit longitude..

There are 14  54MHz Ku-band transponders, 23 36MHz C-band transponders and one 54MHz C-band transponder.

Sinosat-1 downlink C band beam coverage contours
Sinosat downlink C band beam contour patterns ( 31 to 39 dBW)

Sinosat-1 downlink Ku band beam coverage contours
Sinosat 1 downlink Ku band beam contour map ( 43 to 54 dBW)

Coverage is for customers both in China and in the surrounding countries and regions.  Coverage extends west to Pakistan, north to part of Russia, east to Japan, south to Indonesia.   Part of India is also included.

The satellite technical characteristics (high downlink power and an adjustable range of low to high uplink sensitivities) make it suitable for both broadcast services and also two-way satellite internet connection and access VSAT services.

VSAT service technologies include Linkstar (DVB outbound/DVB-RCS standard TDMA inbound), DVB/Terrestrial return, DVB/SCPC return and SCPC/SCPC.

To request service, or to lease transponder capacity please go to their contact page


or email them at info@sinosat.com.cn

► Page created  1st March 2006  Eric Johnston eric@satsig.net

Some of the details above have been kindly provided by Sinosat (1st March 2006)

Updated: 3 Dec 2018, 6 April 2021.

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