
Africa: Satellite broadband providers

Dish pointing in Southern Africa

Satellite Internet in Botswana from Omnisat

VSAT installers in Africa

ZiSat - High Speed Satellite Internet for Africa

VSAT installer: Uganda

Installer of VSAT and network equipment in Tanzania.

Modestus Mkalawa

CV PERSONAL DETAILS: Nationality: Tanzanian

Mobile: +255 784 275 802

Email Address: maakatil@yahoo.com

Field Experience

VSATs worked on:

(1.2m – 3.8m): Andrews, Prodelin, Patriot, (both prime focus, and offset). Alink Tanzania POPs (4 sites)

3.8m Prodelin antennas, Bank of Tanzania

3.8m Patriot antenna,

2.4 Prodelin installations (sites include Pan African Energy Dar es salaam, Pan African Energy Songo Songo, AVRDC Arusha, MS TCDC Arusha, Muhimbili University college of Health Science Tanzania, Ministry of Finance Dar es Salaam and Dodoma Tanzania, Tanzania Ports Authority Tanga and Mtwara Tanzania, Axios Foundation Tanzania).

3.7m Prodelin antenna central focus- OneTel Sundan, 3.8M prodelin antenna, Celtel Blantyre Malawi, 2.4 Offset at Julius Nyerere International Airport Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Modems Platforms Installed:

iDirect 3000 and 5000 series, Comtech CDM 570 and CDM 570L, Comtech CMR 5970 and 5975 both DVB and DVB S2, Radyne Comstream, Hughesnet, Hughes PES, Linkstar, Shiron, Janux (DVB S and DVB S2, L band IF systems), Paradise P300 series.

Control Stations worked with:

I have worked with a number of control stations spread across the globe during carrier activation. The stations being located in Israel, Norway, USA, UK and Ivory coast.

Pictures of Different Installations

3.8m antenna
Fixing bolts on a 3.8m antenna ALink’s (Datel) Main POP in Dar es Salaam in 2003

2.4m antenna>
Finished Installation of 2.4m antenna at JKNIA Dar es Salam Tanzania in 2005

3.8m antenna in Arusha>
Finished Installation of 2.4m antenna at JKNIA Dar es Salam Tanzania in 2005

Filters and LNB fitting on antenna>
Fixing Filters and LNB at Bank of Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 2008

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Page started 15 Oct 2009.  Updated 4 April 2021