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Free to Air Satellite TV in West Africa

(Read 58670 times)
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Aug 23rd, 2005 at 12:19am  
I have noticed the installation of Free to Air Satellite dish with both C and Ku band in West AFrica and would like to know the kind of TV stations and Satellites which are assessible from West Africa.
I wouldnt mind knowing the Tp frequency,Symbol Rate and Polarization if it isnt much trouble.
Will love to also hear from Eric.
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Eric Johnston
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 10:27am  
Please send me information:
Symbol rate
Forward Error Correction
For each programme name the PIDs etc

I will put together a page for Africa FTA TV.
Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #2 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 2:03pm  
Sorry for disturbin .
I noticed that there are almost 80 different satellites listed e.g Astra,Thiacom,Eurobird, Hispasat, Pas 710.Most of them have C and Ku band options and even options to define your own settings.
I wanted to know if all those satellites can be used having seen a list of the Frequency,Symbol rate e.t.c. for some Free TV stations like BBC,Sky sports e.t.c on anothr website.
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Eric Johnston
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 2109
Reply #3 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 3:07pm  
If you want a list of what is accessible from Africa you and others need to tell me what you can see.  I am not in Africa so I can't record what comes down in downlink beams in that area.
If people have information or polar mount dish please tell me the details and then I can share them.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 4:07pm  
Currently, we use an 185cm satelite dish with DVB Super Mas reciever.
We can see CNN(many),a host of Arab stations(Yemen tv,Saudi tv,Abu Dhabi e.t.c), Reuters, TV Afrique,TV Asie,VOA(many),ITV, Pulse TV, DWtv,Star TV Afri, TVT, Sync A and B, ORTM, Service 1, Serte test 1-3, RFI, TVT MZ, EATV, Channel 10, DCPv2.60
This is a list of the present stations we see.
I was told that trying to access all the various stellites will cause the reciever to lock-up and so I use only 5 of the available 80 satellites listed.
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Eric Johnston
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 2109
Reply #5 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 10:54pm  
I don't know the model number of the receiver you are using but I suggest you get hold of the handbook.   Type the receiver name and model number into Google and try and download the detailed instructions.  Most such receivers allow for a very large number of channels from many satellites.   If the receiver has come pre-tuned it may have many channels included which are not available in your coverage area.   If there are spare unused memories you can presumablly add the details yourself for new services.   Some receivers can be set to scan to find such new services automatically.  None of these actions should cause the receiver to "lock up" but do read the manual first.  It is like playing with a PC's settings and you can mess the existing good settings up if you are not careful.
Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #6 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 6:51am  
Thanks very much,I will try all you have said. i have already started tweaking my reciever to see if some of the satellites are valid.I will inform you of the results.
I use a Super Max 1590 DVB reciever in case you have any info. on it
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Reply #7 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 3:34am  
Hi, Tosin,
I so much buy the idea you came up with and with thelp of great Eric, things are realling going fine.
I am new here and after going thru your post, I saw that I really need to help myself to feel relieved too.
Please can you help me let eEric look into this for me too.
I am using a Strong SRT4652 FTA decoderon a 90cm Ku band dish and focusing on PAS 7/10 at 68.5'E. How do I wach channels on Nagravision encryption please. A friend say I need to ask in order to get in a pin code to type in the decoder thru my remote.


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Reply #8 - May 23rd, 2006 at 5:37pm  
pls. how can i get the codes for the stations under hispalsat am  uesing strong dicoda STR 4640 model i will be very gratefull if anybody could help me out  thanks
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Reply #9 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 11:55am  
Hi All,

I am seeking an information on Which satellites that are receptable in Senegal Region other than Eutelsat W3A ?

CAn someone comment on that?

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Reply #10 - Apr 9th, 2009 at 10:27am  
Dear Eric,
I am a new member in the forum. it is nice to read that there is a dedicated site for issues on satellite internet access. My present interest now is on the fta tv stations that are available to viewers in west africa. i have 2 strong recievers 4165 and 6125. i read in your post reply to an earlier enquiry that you were to put a page or so together of frequency of available fta tv stations, i dont know if this was done. Pls i will need an update of what anybody has been able to put together on this.
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