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Dish and hardware requirement for Australia

(Read 30259 times)
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Jan 13th, 2006 at 11:44am  
We are a small group of Indians in the remote locality of North west Australia ( 20.74 S &116.8 East )
We are looking for receiving Indian Channels from Insat 2E at 83 deg E. Locally we are unable to get any support. CAn some one  please help up us in choosing the right hardware. I visited your website and it is extremely useful as far as setting up dish is concerned. Little more information is required on how to adjust the LNB for correct Polarisation.

Also what would be the hardware were require in terms of Dish Size, receiver type etc.
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Devan Gopalan

Reply #1 - Jan 26th, 2006 at 11:22pm  
I am able to get a number of channels on insat 2e from the northern part of China. I used to get all DD channels but as end of 2005 all those channels have been shifted to insat 3A.. I now get ETV (2 Telugu, 1 Kannada, Bengali, Gujarathi, Marathi,Oriya, Urdu) besides Kairali, Kairali people, Indiavision(all three Malayalam) besides DD news, DD 1, Jhangar (Hindi Bolywood), Janpat (hindi).
I cannot tune to Jaya or Tamilan for some reason. If you can tune to NSS6 (95degrees) you can get over 37 free channels. This is the latest addition.

I am not an expert but go to Type insat 2E in google search and you will go to this site. It lists the channels available and the frequencies. Go to the top and click find satelite  and then on the map click your region (find your lattitude and longitude from internet-again from Google). If you click on your location on the map it gives how to set the antena -Azimuth is the angle clock iwse from true magnetic north and the elevation is the angle of tilt from horizontal.

By the way I am from Melbourne living in China now.

Good Luck

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niraj rathi

Reply #2 - Feb 17th, 2006 at 8:09am  
Well , We are the largest dish antenna manufacturer in India . Saw yr problem posted . May be we can help u in identifying the correct hardware ( atleast ) and I also do have some contacts in Australia who may help u . pls get bakc if interested
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Babu Santhanam

Reply #3 - Mar 14th, 2006 at 9:49am  
I am from Chennai and currently living in Adelaide. Watching Sun TV through subscription using Ku band dish which i set up myself. I also have a C band dish which i used to point to Insat 2e and Asiasat 3s to receive a number of programmes (zee smile, zee music, sahara from asiasat3s; etv, asianet etc from insat2e). Jayatv and tamilan tv are not receivable as they are not in the global beam (but only in Zone beam which does not cover Australia; you may have outof footprint sometimes which will enable you see these channels occasionally!!). BBC is available on Panamsat2 satellite but requires cband dish. Ku band dish is small and convenient but channels received through them are mostly pay tv unfortunately. Hope i have been able to share some of my experiences. good luck to those who want to try and setup dish to receive FTA channels.

I am able to get a number of channels on insat 2e from the northern part of China. I used to get all DD channels but as end of 2005 all those channels have been shifted to insat 3A.. I now get ETV (2 Telugu, 1 Kannada, Bengali, Gujarathi, Marathi,Oriya, Urdu) besides Kairali, Kairali people, Indiavision(all three Malayalam) besides DD news, DD 1, Jhangar (Hindi Bolywood), Janpat (hindi).
I cannot tune to Jaya or Tamilan for some reason. If you can tune to NSS6 (95degrees) you can get over 37 free channels. This is the latest addition.

I am not an expert but go to Type insat 2E in google search and you will go to this site. It lists the channels available and the frequencies. Go to the top and click find satelite  and then on the map click your region (find your lattitude and longitude from internet-again from Google). If you click on your location on the map it gives how to set the antena -Azimuth is the angle clock iwse from true magnetic north and the elevation is the angle of tilt from horizontal.

By the way I am from Melbourne living in China now.

Good Luck


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Babu Santhanam

Reply #4 - Mar 14th, 2006 at 9:52am  
Back again,
You may be able to receive Sun TV from NSS6 using a large 2.3m c band dish, as the signal that serves Indian subcontinent covers most of Western half of Australia!!

I am able to get a number of channels on insat 2e from the northern part of China. I used to get all DD channels but as end of 2005 all those channels have been shifted to insat 3A.. I now get ETV (2 Telugu, 1 Kannada, Bengali, Gujarathi, Marathi,Oriya, Urdu) besides Kairali, Kairali people, Indiavision(all three Malayalam) besides DD news, DD 1, Jhangar (Hindi Bolywood), Janpat (hindi).
I cannot tune to Jaya or Tamilan for some reason. If you can tune to NSS6 (95degrees) you can get over 37 free channels. This is the latest addition.

I am not an expert but go to Type insat 2E in google search and you will go to this site. It lists the channels available and the frequencies. Go to the top and click find satelite  and then on the map click your region (find your lattitude and longitude from internet-again from Google). If you click on your location on the map it gives how to set the antena -Azimuth is the angle clock iwse from true magnetic north and the elevation is the angle of tilt from horizontal.

By the way I am from Melbourne living in China now.

Good Luck


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Sasi Kumar

Reply #5 - Apr 26th, 2006 at 3:29am  

   I have just moved to Melbourne, Australia and would like some advise on how I can get Malayalam channels here. Tanks and Have a nice day!
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Reply #6 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 12:52pm  
I see someone mentioning about NSS6 here....has anyone successfully tuned into NSS6 and recieved Free to Air indian channels.
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Reply #7 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 1:04pm  
I live in Adelaide

Can someone tell me if there is any Free to air Indian channels..Malayalam, Hindi, Tamil or English channels avalivable here using a Ku Band 85Cms dish?

If yes, which sattellite and what channnels?
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Reply #8 - Sep 10th, 2009 at 5:26am  
You CANNOT receive any free Indian channel in Australia using 'Foxtel' type solid Ku band offset dish of any size.

You CAN receive Free Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Urdu Indian channels, if you use a larger C band dish pointed at Asiasat3 or Asiasat4 satellite.
if further info needed send me mail at If you are in Adelaide, I can assist with you personally.
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Reply #9 - Jul 11th, 2011 at 2:31pm  
After 5 years of my original post, I have the following information to share with those interested.
In western australia a 1.8m c band mesh dish is sufficient to receive FTA south indian channels from Insat 2E.
I am watching south indian channels using the following hardware
1.8m c band dish cost near $150
C band receiver Strong 4663X- Approx $170
C band LNB- Approx $50
Since the local shire had restrictions to use fixed dish bigger than 1.2m, I have installed the dish on a tripod like structure
Dishpointing info can be found at
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Posts: 2
Reply #10 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 9:34am  
i live in perth, australia and trying to get fta channels from insat2e/4a.
i just installed a 2.3m mesh dish, a c band single lnb, and a strong 4663 decoder.
i have roughly pointed my dish to the right direction using the google map satelite pointer.
in the strong 4663 there is few settings that im not sure.

lnb frequency ?.. mine is the range of 3.4g-4.2ghz.
22khz.. what shoud i set this to?.. auto?on or off?

please assist. i will be using a meter to get better signal.
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