The W3A Euro beam does cover your area. W3A is at 7 east. Your pointing angles are correct.
You need to set the elevation angle correctly and then swing the beam once sideways to find the satellite.
There is something wrong if you find 7 other satellites very close by. The satellites are about 3 deg apart so if you have set the elevation correct you will find one satellite only, the correct one. The satellites are in a diagonal line across the sky. If you have found 7 satellites you must be making some large movements both in elevation and azimuth. If you fail to find the wanted satellite on the first swing then go up and down in 1 deg increments to no more than +/- 2 deg.
If you really have found 7 satellite at approx the same elevation angle you are looking approx due south, where the satellites are in a gentle domed curve across the sky. You need instead to look approx south west, where the line of satellites is a diagonal downwards to the right (to the west)
Note the pre-set polarisation setting. Start with it set to Horizontal receive. This means that the pin inside the LNB waveguide is horizontal. The outside of the LNB waveguide will be "on edge", with the broad faces looking horizontally sideways. After having started with the receive polarisation horizontal rotate the LNB/ORU/feed clockwise by 39 deg while facing the satellite. Do this accurately to +/- 1 deg.
Once you have found the satellite you will need to peak up. Peaking up may take an hour but is worth it since the transmit beam is narrower than the receive beam and just getting a good receive signal is not good enough; you need to set to the exact centre of the receive beam even if the final adjustments show negligible or no detectable changes. Peaking up normally takes longer than finding the satellite. I'm sorry you have had so much difficulty, but you are not alone - I am aware of someone who took 4 days.
Antenna manuals are here Chose the correct model number antenna and print out your installation instructions; note the elevation offset angle. If you have doubt about your elevation setting, practice setting the dish front face itself exactly vertical with a weighted thread. The beam elevation angle will then be exactly 17.3 or 22.6 deg or whatever (see manual for elevation offset angle for your model number). If there is a scale this will calibrate the scale - put a tick mark in the correct place.
Alternatively to the scale, make a large inclinometer with cardboard or wood and set out the required angle (use the calculator at start, programs, accessories, calculator, scientific mode to get tan calculations.) and use the weighted thread.
If you can't read the polarisation scale wrap a strip of paper round the feed throat, mark it and remove and measure the circumferance length L mm. The required position = L * 39 / 360 mm. Polarisation may also be measured using an inclinometer placed sideways across the BUC.
One final thing, and not in the right order. There may be two short rear side struts from the feed arm attachment points to the rear box assembly. If these short struts exist they must be assembled in tension. The rear ends have slotted holes. Pull the dish sides back while the screws are being tightened. This is essential, to make the dish front rim flat (to 1mm)when the weight of the LNB/BUC/Feed is added. Check with two fishing lines stretched across the front, up/down and across.
Best regards, Eric.