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I need a recommendation for satellite internet

(Read 5933 times)
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Mar 16th, 2006 at 4:33am  
I live just north of Toronto in a community that technology has bypassed. I have no cable so high speed internet service is not available. I had broadband come in recently and they told me the only way I could have high speed internet service was to put a 68 foot tower on my property that they wanted me to pay for. Isn't there some way I can get satellite internet from some provider? Please help me I am tired of waiting endlessly for files to download.
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« Last Edit: Jul 30th, 2006 at 6:01pm by Admin1 »  
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #1 - Mar 16th, 2006 at 4:58am
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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2006 at 9:05pm by USN - Retired »  

USN (Ret)
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Reply #2 - Mar 19th, 2006 at 6:35pm  

I just had Ka Band;

installed a few weeks ago. So far, so good. I have the slowest package (512, 128 ) and have averaged 480 k download and 90 k upload speeds consistantly through all weather (snow and cloud). Latency is for the most part not very noticeable, although I haven't yet installed the web cam that is part of our future plans.

To the best of my knowledge the installers are all independant dealers and some like to charge more than others.

Far better than dial-up, especially over the very poor phone lines in our area. The costs are comparatively high unfortunately.

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Reply #3 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 8:47pm  
I live in the Pacific Northwest (outside Seattle in the Puget Sound area) with no DSL or Cable service.  I currently have Direcway and am quite unhappy as it is very weather dependent and even during good weather has very slow if not impossible upload capability.

I would like to switch to a different provider.  What other service is available?  Please email me with answers and/or suggestions.
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #4 - Mar 24th, 2006 at 8:42am  
If you have a service that fails in light rain then the rain margin is inadequate.  You need a bigger dish or perhaps it is mispointed.

Don't underestimate the skill needed to get the pointing right.  It is no good just getting the signal good enough on receive.  You must aim to the exact centre even though small movements in this region make no significant change.  The reason is that the transmit beam is narrower than the receive beam.

In stable clear sky conditions record your quality accurately.  Then adjust a nut by 1/6th of a turn and make another accurate quality measurement and so on.

If pointing is the problem then adjustment will be a least cost solution.

Tell the hub you have problems.  There is the perhaps possibility that some sites have been moved or have the wrong ranging values and overlap each other causing mutual interference failure.

Service reports about Direcway vary a great deal.  I believe that in some cases it is a combination of excessive sharing, too low prices and greedy users.

Remember that the cost is about $5000 per Mbit/s per month.  You can share that out how you want from one extreme: 1 internet-cafe/business/dedicated at $5000 per month, to the other: 100 home users at $50 per month.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #5 - Jul 26th, 2006 at 3:01am  
I also had Direcway for some time but could not keep up with the price and was tired of losing my connection in severe weather.  I had several techs try and repoint the satellite but things never quite changed.  I went with a company called SkyFX ( which used my phone line and satellite so that even when the satellites are down I still have a dial up connection at no extra cost.  Its new technology but its worked great thus far. I am not sure of any others that provide this one way satellite service but I highly recommend it if weather or lag time is a huge concern.
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Senior Member

Posts: 69
Reply #6 - Jul 27th, 2006 at 2:13pm  
Not to defend Direcway, but poor installations are most often the cause of rain fade, this includes the installer putting up the wrong size dish, and not fine tuning as stated above.
I do not belive it's a problem with anyone's product, just installation quality, which could and does affect any product brand you might buy.
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Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2006 at 5:50am  
Service reports about Direcway vary a great deal.  I believe that in some cases it is a combination of excessive sharing, too low prices and greedy users.

Remember that the cost is about $5000 per Mbit/s per month.  You can share that out how you want from one extreme: 1 internet-cafe/business/dedicated at $5000 per month, to the other: 100 home users at $50 per month.

This i commonly cause nr1 for bad connections, and Direcway is nowadays not so service friendly anymore, but a moneymaking machine.

The second cause for bad connections is misalignment, homebrew installations, installers without a clue etc etc.

A mix of those 2 makes it even worse

The overall basic rule is "you get what you paid for" and ofcourse there are extremes with installers who overcharge you without proper technical knowledge, like 90% of the "?installers?" here in the Dominican Republic, 1 even used binoculars to !see! the satellite and that was his pointing device.

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