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Need Help: W6 and IS-901 frequencies ?

(Read 3383 times)
Ex Member
Ex Member

Jul 12th, 2006 at 2:33pm  
Can anyone provide me the recieving frequencies for VSAT (2-way) systems on Eutealsat W6 and Intelsat 901 satellites ?.

Thanks in advance.
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Eric Johnston
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Jul 12th, 2006 at 3:09pm  
If you already have VSAT equipment, try to find a service provider with a compatible technology VSAT hub who operate in the same frequency band (C band or Ku band) as your equipment.  Ask about service tariff etc.

If you need a dedicated SCPC service a new pair of carrier frequencies will be assigned for you.   If you choose a shared service you will be given the frequency of a suitable existing carrier with spare capacity within it.   Many of these shared download carriers are similar to large DVB-S carriers, as used for satellite TV, and may be used for both one way and two way internet services.

An example shared downlink carrier on Eutelsat W6 is:
11617 GHz Vertical.  Eutelsat Skylogic (LinkStar)  DVB-S 27500 sps - 5/6 rate FEC

Several different sales-installer companies may take capacity from the same carrier.  In the above example, this is because they are local resellers of the service provided by the Eutelsat Skylogic (LinkStar) VSAT hub.

Best regards, Eric.

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