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urgent help in dw6000

(Read 5139 times)

Posts: 8
Oct 27th, 2006 at 9:23am  
dear friends
i need your help in dw 6000
i have subscription on euetel sat w1 10 east ended on 10-3 2007
my problem started 3 days ago firstly anotice from huggies saying that my serivce was blocked and i must contact them , i contact my service dealer and he promis he will fix this errror.
this is not the big problem the real on is that my dw 6000 modem doesnot work ,no lump on the front panel illuminate ,i thought the the problem may be in the AC adapter i change it but no thing happen, i live in iraq  so can you advice me is my modem has to be changed ?or there is away to fix it .
i am waitting
with regardes
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« Last Edit: Oct 27th, 2006 at 12:26pm by alol »  
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #1 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 1:25pm  
The DW6000 uses power supply 1031105-0001. If an incorrect power adapter was used, fatal damage can be inflicted on the DW6000 itself.

Assuming no multimeter is available, carefully feel the power supply case with your hand. If it's cold, it's not working. If it's hot, it's likely malfunctioning. A properly operating power adapter should only be warm to the touch.

If the power supply feels ok, remove the AC end of the power cord from the electrical supply. Remove the DC end from from the back of the 6000. Wait for two minutes. Push the DC end back into the 6000 receptacle. Take care to make sure the connector clears the circumference of the access hole, it should ultimately seat with an audible snap. Plug the AC end back into the electrical supply. Observe the front for LED activity

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 8
Reply #2 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 3:54pm  
thank you dear for your fast replay.but i think the problem is not in tha ac adapter  as i examin the modem on aworking adapter of one of my friends who has the same ,6000 
seeking your help
with deep regardes
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #3 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 4:20pm  
I must read between the lines here, but I think you're saying you've already determined you have a known good power adapter. I still advise you to confirm that the DC end actually seats in YOUR DW6000. The hole through the plastic case on some is not aligned properly with the receptacle inside. Care must be taken to ensure that the DC plug actually goes THROUGH the case, and seats on the receptacle with an audible snap.

If that doesn't work, the DW6000 itself has likely failed internally. Should this be the case - and this is only my opinion mind you - but I would NOT replace it with another DW6000. That's a giant step sideways. I'd view the failure as an opportunity to upgrade to the new HN7000S (not to be confused with the older DW7000). The HN7000S is compatible with your existing outdoor equipment and cabling.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 8
Reply #4 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 4:32pm  
dear greg

I'd view the failure as an opportunity to upgrade to the new HN7000S        ?   isnt acosty solution   i assume that may modem will not be operable agin .
thanks alot but is  there is no other way to fix the problem?
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #5 - Oct 27th, 2006 at 7:53pm  
is  there is no other way to fix the problem?

Unfortunately no. Hughes (the parent company of Direcway) has an exchange-only policy with regard to failed equipment. Short of exchanging it under warranty for a refurbished DW6000, you alternative is to take advantage of the discounts offered as a DW6000 user upgrading to a HN7000S.

I can't speak for the prices in your area. But here in America upgrading the modem only is a one time cost of USD$200 outright. If you sign a 15 month service agreement, the cost drops to USD$50

And Direcway has had a name change. They're now HughesNet, hence the HN prefix in front of the newest 7000S modem.

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USN (Ret)
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