We are a telecom solutions company with our main area of exptertise being Linux programming and development. We build firewalls , routers , anti spam and anti virus modules , proxy and caching servers , mail and mail relay servers,web servers all based on Linux and we have already moved all our applications to fedore core 6 kernel which was just release 2 days back. We even have our own custom build ERP/CRM solution. Security is our strong forte and since all our servers are based on LINUX , you can be rest assured your network is secure from hackers.Your network can still have windows clients but the server to the internet will be our servers based on linux . Our algorithm is such that the windows client machines get fooled by our linux edge server as if it is communicating to a windows server.We can give you 100% guranteee that you wouldnt receive a single spam or any virus attack to your network when you use our server.We are also very muh into development of Hospital Management systems , Hotel management systems and Network authentication servers and security for wireless and wired networks. We are also very much into very cost effective wireless technologies and we have our own high power radios on both the 2.4 GHz (Wifi) and 5.8 GHZ (Wi max) unlicensed frequency spectrum and our own unique designed antennas .We are also very much into Biometrics ,RFID and GSM solutions.To sum it all up, you need any solution in the field of telecom , we are there to provide you wih it. Even if you need any custom built application or development we are there to support you with your needs.Please visit our website for more details :
www.spectrasky.com . Please email us at sales@spectrasky.com