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China, Mongolia, Russia, The Stans - anyone?????

(Read 2261 times)
Ex Member
Ex Member

Jul 31st, 2007 at 1:19am  
I am an Australian voluntarily lending my journalistic and editing expertise to an impressively enterprising group of young people who have decided and are currently travelling the world by road []. Along the way they are producing content [blogs, images, video, documentary].

They are about to enter China and will then be travelling through Mongolia, Russia, The Stans and and onwards through Turkey and are looking to get connected to the internet by satellite.

I am starting from scratch here.....

1. Apart from the technology [BGAN terminal], which we are hoping some benevolent, adventurous spirit will sponsor, do I then have to enter into a plan to transmit data?
2. Do we need permissions from each of these countries to connect to the satellite?
3. Are there companies out there who would be interested in sponsoring this type of venture in return for branding throughout the website and external content, plus the end-of-trip documentary?

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« Last Edit: Aug 3rd, 2007 at 1:40pm by N/A »  
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