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idirect 3000 series NET lock issue

(Read 7931 times)

Posts: 14
Jul 27th, 2007 at 10:23am  
hi all
since two days I have a  issue concerning a 3100 series modem software the RX LED is solid green,the TX LED is solid green but the NET LED is Off i dont know what to do to solve this problem
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Posts: 27
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2007 at 7:03am  

just try to upload the package first then be sure that you have the right Co-Ordinates for the Location ,

give it to your service provider..they will push an option file to you

if not just try to check the connectors connections and decrease the transmitted  power LEVEL

please gimme feed back
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Posts: 14
Reply #2 - Jul 30th, 2007 at 10:13am  
thanks for ur answer
i try a new option file and check cables and connectors but nothing i use a new idirect to solve this issue but i want to know what happens to the old one
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Reply #3 - Jul 30th, 2007 at 10:15pm  
So a new modem resolved the problem?  

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Reply #4 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 6:17am  
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Reply #5 - Sep 2nd, 2007 at 9:38pm  
I realize you stated that you swapped in a new iDirect unit, but did you ever figure out what was the problem with the old?  

Normally when the Tx is Green and the Rx is green (with no network light) you have an SSPA problem or something is amiss on the uplink chain.  i.e. Loose cable or pin not making contact or a blown SSPA/BUC.  

Have fun with it.
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« Last Edit: Dec 16th, 2007 at 9:01pm by N/A »  
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Reply #6 - Nov 29th, 2007 at 10:24pm  
first you have to contact your provader and ask him what remote package you should upload to your modem .. if they siad for example remote-7_0_5.pkg
you have to check your remote version by :-

telnet (your gateway ip modem)
type version and hit enter

and be sure if you uploaded the correct remoe package your porblem will solve

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Reply #7 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 8:20pm  
I heat writing, you could chat or email me to discuss the issue of your faulty modem,

you could also check if you get 24V at the cable end of Tx cable , if not then either bad cable, connectors, or modem connector damage.
maybe your modem is lock by another provider, try to check the command rlock, if it say unknown command then you have version and no meaninig for rlock. if it say locked then you should check with your service provider if they lock it or not, if they say no, then that mean it has been locked by previuos provider and it will not work with this network.
also you should rechek the GPS as our friend say above, sometime wrong GPS give this issue.

and the last thing, maybe you have fault with the coder or modilator of your modem, in that case you should send it to a professional workshop.


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« Last Edit: Jan 8th, 2008 at 12:13pm by elsuhd »  
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Posts: 29
Reply #8 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 4:12pm  
Hi Foster,

Have you checked with your hub that they have activated your remote on the network?  If it is not activated at the hub end you will receive but not be able to transmit.
Also as suggested, check that the lat/long in the option file is correct.  It may be worth connecting to the NM via hyperterminal and checking the tx parameters such as

tx enable
tx iflDC

Are you using a MUSiC Box at this site?  This may be a reason if you are and the remote isn't set up correctly at the hub end.  Check the option file and for a normal TDMA remote the ODU settings should be (without MUSiC Box):

     music_present = 0
     odu_rx_dc_power = 1
     odu_rx_10_mhz = 0
     odu_tx_dc_power = 1
     odu_tx_10_mhz = 1
     odu_disable_tx_pwm = 0

If all this fails try and get a clear frequency from your hub operator and put up a CW to ensure that you can actually transmit.  If you need help on how to do this please let me know.

Hopefully there is some useful info here.

Good luck ;.)
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Reply #9 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 7:52pm  
If you rx and tx lock.
1. provider didnt activate you in the net.
2, or power setting is too low, and the provider messed up and presumed your tx power was adequate. Some times they put you in a 1db too low and just enough to appear in the net but not

To fix and verify if its a power issue.
console in,  type
tx power
that will tell you the current power level
say it shows tx power = -18
you can type
tx power -15
this will raise your power. if you want more just put in  -5 as your power, most likey there is a tx power limit and it will set you at the highest power setting allowed per the opt file. so even though you set tx power -5,  it will let you know that max tx power is -14.  to change that heres the workaround

here is the blocks you will need to know about:
     tx_power_in_dbm = -15.000000

     power_uplink_control_processing = 1
     max_power_level_in_db = -10.000000

tx_power_in_dbm is the power level your modem will start out in the network, if its too low you will not be able to let the hub modem know your there.  typically, if minimum power is -15 and you enter the net at -15, you the hub auto power control will adjust your power to a normal one and will likey increase your power a little.

the max_power_level_in_db is the max you can raise power. just put -1 in there and save and reload opt file.

when you get tx and rx lock, type in tx power -14, and work your way up until you get net light. You can just crank it up -1 right off the back wait a min or 2, if you dont get net light. then put power back to its normal setting.

setting power to high and keeping it there will cause intermods and will likely cause IP drop outs and even total outage for some remotes. so be respectful.  if you dont get net light then work with the service provider to activate you in the network.
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Innate RF Trickery
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Reply #10 - Nov 19th, 2008 at 9:24pm  
Bit of clarity with regards to the above: The TX light will not illuminate unless the terminal has been activated on the hub.  

Tx LED = 1) an active terminal, 2) confirmation of the unit having its timeplan, and 3) is indicative an unmuted transmitter attempting to acq slot burst (system has calculated its FSD).

I will say I am impressed with your knowledge.

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« Last Edit: Nov 21st, 2008 at 11:54am by N/A »  
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