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I want to know telnet command

(Read 5133 times)
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Oct 19th, 2007 at 5:42pm  
Please what is the telneting command which will enable me know many systems that is connected to a network of a linkstar Ku band client
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« Last Edit: Oct 19th, 2007 at 8:30pm by Admin1 »  
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Oct 19th, 2007 at 8:25pm  
I don't know the telnet command, but the LAN subnet mask will tell you the maximum number of PCs that may be directly connected, via a passive hub or switch.

Connect a single PC to the LinkStar modem with the network interface set to "Find IP automatically" then do ipconfig and it will tell you the IP address of the modem gateway, the subnet mask and the IP address of the PC.

What is the subnet mask in use ? The last number will tell you:
mask   = 2 IPs good for the gateway and 1PC
mask   = 6 IPs good for the gateway and 5 PCs
mask   = 14 IPs good for the gateway and 13 PCs
mask   = 30 IPs good for the gateway and 29 PCs

The actual quantities of IP addresses are 4, 8, 16 and 32. The first of each range is the name of the subnet and last is a multicast address; neither is useable for devices.

If you want to connect many more PCs locally then put a router on to one of the IP addresses and invent your own unlimited further private IP address space.

Best regards, Eric.
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Ex Member
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Reply #2 - Oct 19th, 2007 at 10:34pm  

sh arp

answer is list of available ip address
where there is mac address associated with ip (not ff:ff:ff etc) that is active connection
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Ex Member
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Reply #3 - Oct 22nd, 2007 at 8:22am  
Thank you very much for that answers it has really helped me.i still want to ask some more question.i am a network adminstrator,and a customer on our link(ku linkstar) complains that  its link times out and after troubleshooting from my end the link replies again.after a while he complains again.pls, if its a virus affecting its systems how do i know from my end?and which command would i use.i would really appreciate ur response
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Oasis Networks
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Posts: 232
Reply #4 - Oct 22nd, 2007 at 9:14am  

without exact information it will be difficult to extend any help. But to continue with the topic title, and if you suspect a virus at his machine, try to ask your customer to type in the command window the command netstat.
If he will get many many many connections (lets say more than 10 or 15), it could be a possible sign for a several worms and viruses on his network.
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Ex Member
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Reply #5 - Oct 26th, 2007 at 10:06am  
I had similar problems with my customers.
I insisted to install router/firewall between linkstar and their network. By routers' statistics i found a lot of abusing, from heavy downloads to p2p and a couple of trojans/worms. With customer's agreement I restricted everything but http, mail and, on couple of machines, skype. It was half of year ago and there is no more complains.
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Maxim Usatov
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Posts: 116
Czech Republic
Reply #6 - Oct 26th, 2007 at 10:44am  
I agree what Atat says. Utubor, you may find our Viper TES-1000 bandwidth management appliance useful for this particular case:

It's primarily designed for large customers being Hot Spots and ISPs, however will work great for an Enterprise or Cafe networks too. We can supply you the software-only package to set up on your own server so you could save on the implementation costs. You will just need any PC with two NICs with at least 500 MHz CPU and 64 Mb RAM (preferrably more of course.)

Drop me an e-mail if interested.
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