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Problem when renewing IP

(Read 4859 times)
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Feb 11th, 2008 at 10:36am  
Ok so we have 4 computers in out house, 2 of them work, 2 dont.  The problem is that when i try turn the wireless network on, it starts renewing IP address but endns up saying it didnt work and i have limited or no conectivity.  It is a Swisscom BLuewin DSL wireless thing.  Im not so great using it as it has always worked fine before.  And also any new connections tying to be added (a fifth compute) has the same problem.  I would appreciate any help as soon as possible so i can get it fixed and back online.  Just hope i wont have to end up paying some useless technician that dosent find the problem anyways. Cheesy
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 3:49pm  
The router has a LAN gateway IP address and a subnet mask. The subnet mask provides a range of possible IP addresses for your computers.

Each computer needs to be either

set with static network info like:
gateway IP address (same as the router gateway)
subnet mask (same as the router gateway)
own IP address (you assign these using IP numbers from your range; don't use the same IP twice)


if your router has DHCP set to ON, you may allow PCs to find network info automatically.

Each PC also needs one or more DNS servers specified if it is to access web sites using names.

Write down the all IP and DNS addresses and subnet masks you can find on all the PCs.  Type ipconfig in a command prompt window on each PC.   Then plan.
If your existing router subnet mask is then you can have just 1 PC connected.  If your existing subnet mask is then you can have up to 5 PCs connected.  If your existing subnet mask is then you can have 253 PCs connected. Try this site if you need help.

Disconnect all PCs and then start one at a time, ping the router and the internet and proceed one step at a time.

Regards, Eric.
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Ex Member
Ex Member

Reply #2 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 7:49pm  
ok i found out that my gateway is missing, how do i get that back up? and also i got the same ip on 2 computers, how do i change that?
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #3 - Feb 11th, 2008 at 11:04pm  
Have you written down all the gateway, subnet and IP and DNS addresses from each PC ?.  From this you will learn the gateway IP of the router and the subnet of the router and be able to reconfigure to the original starting configuration if you mess things up.

On each PC:  Try Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, Local Area Connection, Properties,TCP/IP, then either select Automatic or fill in the details.

You use the same gateway IP address and subnet mask for all PCs.  These parameters are the router and you should be able to see them using the router management screen, using or similar.
In the router management, you can turn DHCP ON and then use Automatic on the PCs.

To change the IP address of a PC, plan what you are going to do, then follow: Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, Local Area Connection, Properties,TCP/IP, then fill in the new details.

If you don't have the router handbook try searching the internet for it.  A large pdf file probably exists somewhere.  e.g.
(2.2 Mbytes)  Is this relevent ? Find a manual that refers to your model type.

Regards, Eric.
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