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Site Configuration Issue

(Read 9465 times)
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Apr 15th, 2008 at 6:44pm  
Using the Linkway 2100's.

Why is it that we have to set up each terminal on a separate site?  It obviously makes more sense to have multiple terminals on each site if they're colocated, so why won't the system work if you do?  Or how do you make the system work properly if you do?

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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Apr 15th, 2008 at 7:25pm  
I'm not quite sure I understand the question.

If you have a main site with several Linkway modems co-located so that you can communicate simultaneously with several other sites, then the convention is to merge the RF cables together using combiners/splitters and use a large dish and large transmit BUC to cope with the composite power of all transmitting simultaneously plus a further 4 - 6 dB or so to minimise intermodulation.   If this involves a BUC with 40 - 150 watts, then the cost of this might lead you to use multiple antennas, each with lower power, single carrier, BUC.   It is up to you.

I am not sure this answers the question.

If you are connecting multiple modems to one antenna be warned that the power rating of the BUC needs to be perhaps 3 or 4 times the composite power of all the uplink carriers.
e.g. 5 watts per carrier.   3 carriers = 15 watts.   BUC power rating need to be = 4 x 15 = 60 watts.

Read more:   (607k byte file)

Best regards, Eric.
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Ex Member
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Reply #2 - Apr 15th, 2008 at 8:33pm  
Not quite.  I'm talking about in the Linkway's configuration software.  The software allows for adding multiple terminals to each site, but for some reason it isn't done that way.  FSR from Datapath says it breaks the network, but I'm trying to figure out why that happens or if they did it wrong.  This is all before getting to the hardware side of things, so I'm not worried about that yet.

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Ex Member
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Reply #3 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 5:39am  
i am currently deployed to iraq. we bought a linkstar system with the linkstar s2a modem. i cannot telnet into the modem nor can i find the default ip address. is there anyway someone could give me some pointers?

my modem's mac is 00.a0.
the 8psk mac is       0.a0.94.4.43.d4

which do i convert from hex to dec? and what do i actually have to type in the command prompt to access the modem?
is there a programming ip that i can use in the ie explorer similar to the hughes modems? or do i have to do all this with cmd prompt?
does this modem have a signal strength meter like hughes?
any help would be great
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2008 at 12:48pm by Admin1 »  
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #4 - Jun 6th, 2008 at 12:46pm  
03 hex = 3 decimal
12 hex = 18 decimal
78 hex = 120 decimal
so IP address of LinkStar modem is

Set up your PC network interface using (Start, Control Panel, Network connections, Local area connection, Properties, Internet protocol(TCP/IP), Properties.) to:
IP address of your PC (121 is your choice, it needs to be a number different from 120, in the range 1 to 254)
Subnet mask
IP address of gateway

In command prompt window do

Just type in the single long command line as told to you by your service provider. This is a long single line; get every character and space correct.  Cut and paste from their email if possible.

Type dbpr bootconf (show configuration) to see what you have done and how you have set it up.

Type rep tcmp (repeat modem status display) to see the BER.  You will get a read out every 5 seconds.  Adjust till you get to beam centre. (raw uncorrected QPSK BER = 0.00003 for example)

Read this:;action=display;num=12...

Once you have the receive perfect, power off and connect up the transmit cable.  After commissioning your PC or local switch/router will need a new IP addess, subnet mask and gateway - see documentation from your service provider.

There is a recent version of the glossy quick install guide here: (about 3.9 Mbytes).  There should be a copy of this in the box. It is a giant glossy sheet of coloured paper with some very good advice - read all the cautions !
Best regards, Eric.
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