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help with my ts2 satelite

(Read 3990 times)

Posts: 5
Aug 11th, 2008 at 6:17am  
OK we just recieved our satelitte about four days ago and we still can not sync it in to the nss6 sat.  It is a Linkstar system. We put in the param that ts2 sent us and have been scanning but still no sat sync.  I am at a loss as what to do.  They didnt send any software for the RCST I think thats what it is called.  Any help would be appreciated
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Ex Member
Ex Member

Reply #1 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:40pm  

i have service on Linkstar and Linkstar S2 on NSS6  i can give you a test demo 2 dayes demo for free to check the service , if you can put your email so i can talk with you about the service .


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« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2008 at 9:00pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 5
Reply #2 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 12:44am  
ok my email is  Thanks for the help still working the issue of why i cannot get on the ts2 provider or help desk said to see if there is any other dishes around and the 110 deg i laid it onto is prob wrong seeing how all the others are pointing in the other direction i am going to try that tommorrow.  But thanks for the help hopefully that programm will work
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Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:51pm  
we are still trying to get this thing to work ts2 isnt helping htat much they say it is our fault even our satellite guys cant figure it out.  The sat guys work for the military and have been for a combined term of 17 years so they are still trouble shooting it and said if anyone out there has any suggestionsd we are open to them
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Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 7:57pm  
still no luck on getting this thing synced in can anyone help us out we are stuck in the middle of nowhere iraq and cant communicate with our loved ones as much as we would like to
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #5 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:08pm  
Start with the basics.

TS2 should have told you a line of text comprising all the configuration parameters.  Have you loaded this successfully ?

TS2 should have told you what satellite and nominal polarisation to receive.  What nominal polarisation have you been told to receive?

Use dish pointing iraq to find your polarisation adjustment angle, beam elevation angle and compass azimuth.

Connect the small LNB module to the LinkStar modem receive input. WARNING: You must never get the coax cables crossed over as this will permanently damage the modem.

First set the nominal feed polarisation. Vertical means that the broad faces of the LNB rectangular waveguide are on top and underneath.   Do it.  If the LNB is on a side arm, the arm is probably now sticking out at one side or the other.

Second, apply the polarisation adjustment angle.  A positive adjustment angle requires a clockwise movement, while facing towards the satellite.

Set the beam elevation using the elevation scale on the bracket behind the dish.

Swing the dish boldly sideways around the approx compass azimuth and the RX LED will lock up on the satellite on the first sweep, unless the dish is sagging down a bit in which case add a couple of elevation degrees.   Initially it will go to slow green flashing.

Spend at least 30 minutes peaking up.  The centre is half way between the points where the LED drops out.

As you tighten the antenna, keep readjusting to the peak.  Read the QPSK BER by typing tcmp at least 30 times (possibly 50 times !).  Get it down below 0.00009 if you can.

Power off at the mains and connect up the TX cable.  RX LED will go slow flashing green, fast flashing green and solid green.  Don't interrupt this process.  Talk to the hub while they test your x-pol.  You may have to get yourself  under the feed arm and reach up to rotate your feed polarisation a degree or two either way.  Be patient between movements; it takes the hub time to test for your x-pol null.

Your modem will reboot and end up with new gateway IP address and subnet mask, as told to you by TS2.

Best regards, Eric.  
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:02am by Eric Johnston »  
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