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Internet will not stay connected

(Read 14023 times)

Posts: 13
Aug 29th, 2008 at 5:11pm  
I currently have a HX50 system pointing towards W3A.  I have a signal strength of 90-91.  The system will be functional for about 5 minutes then it will show me TCP accleration - Not Operational.  A few minutes later the system will be running again.  I have seen it a few times were the signal strength dropped down to 30.  Also the rate code will not do any better then 1/2.  On the modem itself I am able to see all 5 lights working when the system is functioning correctly.  Every once in awhile i will look at them and the system seems to have reset itself and the power light is the only light on.  I live in kirkuk iraq, and this has been a problem for almost 1 month.  also i have a verizon meter and i have a locked signal of 99.  So please any suggestions?

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Reply #1 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 5:45pm  
can ypu explain me is it the only power light is on no other light is ON. not even LAN light.
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Reply #2 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 7:18pm  
yes only the power light is on when it resets itself.  it is a BW system also.
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #3 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 7:29pm  
First thing I'd suspect is an intermittent cable short. These modems have built-in circuit breakers that shut down the modem in the event the shielding layer shorts across the center conductor. This is commonly as a result of  a poorly installed connector, this issue can be intermittent - influenced by wind/gravity/moisture/vibration/et cetera. When the short condition corrects itself, the modem will restart. The restart sequence has one stage where the Power LED is the only one illuminated. The LAN LED is typically next, followed by RX - TX - SYSTEM in that order.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 13
Reply #4 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 9:13pm  
all cables going into the modem and into the dish  seem to be ok.  the modem starts up immediately after it shuts itself off.  Apparently one of my fellow soldiers has already talked with BW.  They have no idea of what it is.  they tried to tell us its our polar, but we get excellent signal when the modem works.  could it possibly be a bad modem??
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #5 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 12:30am  
all cables going into the modem and into the dish  seem to be ok.  the modem starts up immediately after it shuts itself off.  
Seem to be ok isn't meaningful from the standpoint of a cable short. Only continuity testing can confirm/deny same. Because the design of that internal safety switch is such that - when the short condition is corrected - the modem powers back up automatically. Hence, the possibility of an INTERMITTENT short.

Having said that, are you positive that the modem is ACTUALLY shutting itself off? or is it perhaps just RESTARTING itself? Because there is a brief period during the restart sequence where all five LEDs temporarily extinguish.

Remove the cables altogether. Open a browser and go to and look at the left hand column. Click LOGS, then click RESET LOGS. Tell us what you see there.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 13
Reply #6 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 6:24am  
ok its not shutting itself off.  the power light is always on.  the error i get is Reset Reason :      Reset due to Unexpected VxWorks Exception.  not sure what that means  maybe it will help you.
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #7 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 12:19pm  
Well, your own words stated the modem "shuts itself off". But I won't dwell there. So. If you've completely ruled out cable fault, I was next going to suggest intermittent RFI. But let's pursue the VxWorks fault first.

It's possible that the modem's software could have become corrupt. Most self-hosted Hughes modems store up to two previous versions for just this reason. If in fact it's a software issue, the usual fix is to roll back to a previous version (that includes another VxWorks). Once reconnected, the NOC will detect an out of date version and re-transmit the current software over the satellite.

But it's your provider that should be responsible for directing you to launch the rollback command. If that doesn't work, the next typical step is to physically replace the modem. In the mean time, you should consider RFI as well. If at Ku-band, it would be in the 12-14GHz range. If at L-band, it would be in the 900-1500 MHz range.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 24
Reply #8 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 2:24pm  
1 make sure you have grounded the VSAT properly using lightning arrester etc...

1 Network cross cable is connected to your Modem lan port and computer lan port is good.

2 when you attach the lan cable to computer lan light has to come on.

3 If you see lan light is coming on, switch off the modem remove the Receive and Transmit cable and switch on the modem.

4 use the IP address properties setting obtain automatic and check what is the IP address for the remote(Modem).

5 use the ip address on web browser with following link http:\\\fs\advanced\advanced.html.
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Posts: 13
Reply #9 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 6:37am  
heres some updates and to help maybe.
i did exactly as you both said and unplugged the cables and looked at the logs.  no errors for about 15 minutes.  i then hooked up the cables and ran the internet (as i was the only one connected to the modem) fine for 30 minutes.  Plugged the switch board back in and within a the next 15 or so minutes got these two reset reasons.

ime of Reset :      SAT AUG 30 20:54:02 2008 [GMT]
Asserted at :      
Reset Type :      Software Reset
Reset Reason :      Reset due to Unexpected VxWorks Exception

Time of Reset :      SAT AUG 30 20:48:02 2008 [GMT]
Asserted at :      
Reset Type :      Hardware Reset
Reset Reason :      Reset due to SysAD bus exception

both of them happened at different times.  Both of these error happen during the on/off intermittent operation.  The vx works happening more often of the two. 

My buddy and i go up to the dish and try playing with the signal.  start of it the horizon meter shows signal of 214, and 99%.  the signal strength on the computer showing 90-91.  After we moved it ever so much and working for 30-45 more minutes. we got it to 215 and still 99%.  more of a steady 91 on the computer.  We hooked everything back up and called it a day.  well last reset was at 2054, and we have been running internet all day.  not saying much as most of the guys has gone to sleep already so no one has used the internet.  we cant get the transmit signal out of 1/2.  maybe some of this will help.  will repost if modem continues with resets.

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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #10 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 11:54am  
What TX and RX Error Codes have you observed during all this? Diagnostic Codes? This information is displayed on an as-occurring basis when the System button on changes from green to red (or yellow). When that happens, click the System button.

Regarding the 1/2 rate transmit: in case this is a ranging issue - I believe you should verify the latitude/longitude that the modem is using. Go to and look at Registration/Setup then click through Registration-Installer. Just a few clicks in you should be able to manually check/change your latitude/longitude. If this is off - even by a few kilometers - it will skew the ranging data. And accurate ranging data is necessary to maintain a stable lock on the network timing loop.

Note: I haven't actually got a HX50 with which to establish the exact location of this info within your user interface. As such, there may be minor differences between your HX and my HN. But hopefully my suggestions may at least get you pointed towards the right section in your interface to locate the requested info.

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« Last Edit: Sep 2nd, 2008 at 10:09am by Admin1 »  

USN (Ret)
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Posts: 13
Reply #11 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 4:43pm  
actually the Rx and Tx stay locked during these operations.  The Tcp acceleration status changes from operational to impaired or not operational.  one of those 2 will occur.  Also the web acceleration status will change to in active or not operational. 

---------------Last ACP Validate/Revalidate Statistics--------------

Last Validate Timestamp.....                                 Last Revalidate Timestamp....
Last Validate Isolation..... 0                               Last Revalidate Isolation... 0
Last Validate SQF........... 0                               Last Revalidate SQF......... 0

currently the internet is back to intermittent operation.  which is confusing alot of people.  hope the information i provided is what you were asking for
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Posts: 13
Reply #12 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 7:22pm  
ok as an update i am noticing that the software reset (vxworks error) is reseting ever 6 minutes to the second.
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #13 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 7:32pm  
The zeros are not unusual in the case of a modem that's constantly restarting (many statistics are cleared during restarts). I realize that security reasons may preclude you actually telling us WHERE you're located, but there's a chance that your POL angle is out of spec. And accurate POL angle is the mechanical basis for usable ACP, TX isolation, ranging, network get the picture. Unfortunately, the only way for me to calculate your POL angle, is to know where you're at.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 13
Reply #14 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 8:04pm  
the pol angle they gave us was 45.5   i live in kirkuk iraq.
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Eric Johnston
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Reply #15 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 12:34pm  
You can use this satellite dish aiming calculator for Iraq

The various calculators assume the polarisation as it leaves the satellite is either parallel with the equator (called horizontal) or parallel with the earth's axis (called vertical).

The above is true for virtually all satellites except Astra and Eutelsat.  I believe that Astra is tipped +7 deg clockwise and Eutelsat +3.5 deg clockwise.   This was done when these companies started up with view of keeping the polarisation as near to parallel and at right angles to the ground in the middle of the beam coverage area.   This gives a slight improvement in reducing cross-pol interference during rain.  Anyway that is all history now and the beams go all over the place but it is difficult to implement a system wide polarisation change once there are many fixed dishes installed.

If calculated result = +40.5 then  +40.5 + 3.5 = +44

In all cases fine adjustment is recommended once pointed at the satellite, with assistance from the hub in the case of transmit antennas.   This copes with the Astra/Eutelsat problem but also deals with the polarisation angle differing slightly from the calcualted angle.

Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2015 at 2:27pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 24
Reply #16 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 5:19pm  

Matt did not mentioned anywhere his Modem LAN port is working or when he fix the X cable light comes on.

My self work on remote HN systems and had similar type of experience, near about 5 remotes are not working I just replaced the modem.

I have all the 5 modem right in front of me but help less to restore it.

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« Last Edit: Sep 2nd, 2008 at 10:16am by Admin1 »  
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #17 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 6:09pm  
Read the opening post again please. I interpret Matt's response to your subsequent question to mean that only the Power LED is on when it restarts. This is normal. After that, the LAN LED comes on, then the RX, then the TX, then the System.

The opening post also suggest that this system works/worked part time,  which further suggests that the LAN is in fact detected. And FWIW, the HN modems have self-sensing LAN ports  - as do presumably the HX modems. So it doesn't matter if they use a regular Ethernet cable or a crossover.

But Matt - if either of us is misreading your posts - straighten us out.

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USN (Ret)
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #18 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 10:02am  
I would also urge to read the opening post again.

I pick these phrases:

I have a signal strength of 90-91.
I have seen it a few times were the signal strength dropped down to 30.
I live in Kirkuk Iraq, and this has been a problem for almost 1 month.

To me this looks like an intermittent connector or a local interference problem.  Are there any transmitters close by ?

I have spoken this morning with BW and they are very much 'on your case' to resolve your problem.

Best regards, Eric.
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Posts: 24
Reply #19 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 12:46pm  
Thanks Greg and Eric

I was trying to resolve step by step from scratch. any way i don't want puzzle any more, talking too many people can disturb or confuse the person @ ground. so i quit.

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Senior Member

Posts: 65
Reply #20 - Sep 2nd, 2008 at 4:32pm  
chief24: We at BW are following the case and urge you to contact us directly to work on the issue, based on the errors and signal drops there is a number of possible causes we need to look at.

My email address is tel: 44 2392 311118
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Posts: 13
Reply #21 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 4:26pm  
Well sorry for the long wait on replies from myself.  A little update.  i have a signal strength of 92.  the internet has been working for about a week and then it will go into the same problem were it resets every 6 minutes.  this lasts about 2 days or a little more then goes back to working normal.  reset logs still state  reset due to Vx works exception.  Another reset is due to sys AD bus exception.  this has started again yesterday after working for a week.  the last time it happened was large storms in England and we thought maybe that was the reason.  there is an FM antenna in close proximity, but this antenna has been here next to the dish the entire time the internet worked.  This system worked for about 6 to 7 months before it started this.

James i will be contacting you as soon as i can directly.  thankyou for your support.
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #22 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 4:36pm  
Find the lat/lon of your NOC on a weather radar site, and bookmark it. Calculate the magnetic azimuth between that NOC and your satellite. Plot that line. Severe weather along that line and within 0 to maybe 40 miles of the NOC poses the potential for problems your end.

See if you can locate the owner of the adjacent antenna. They'll only pose interference potential when actually radiating. Hopefully he keeps logs. If possible, plot his transmission times against your satellite outages. If not, at least ask if he'd be neighborly enough to give you notification when he's about to radiate. Then you can watch and see what - if anything - happens to your connection.

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USN (Ret)
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Posts: 26
Reply #23 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 6:45am  
Chief, are you over there on the "Dark Side"?  I'm here at Kirkuk, and am willing to help out or take a look at your system.  Sometimes another set of eyes can help out.

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Posts: 13
Reply #24 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 11:36am  
Im over at the medevac compund.  if you know were that is  if not contact me.  we are the Medevac on kirkuk.  the opposite corner of the cav side.

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Reply #25 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 5:44pm  
As an update we are still having this problem.  we have tried everything we could think of.  We tried to set the dish to the settings it said and was getting no signal at all.  We are in kirkuk. 

Our setting is:  elevation 45-50 degrees, magnetic azimuth 220-225 degrees, pol is 40-41 degrees

Factory settings are: elevation 33.1 degrees, magnetic azimuth 228 degrees. and pol of 43.5 degrees

Any ideas now  we have a signal strength of 92 and still lose internet connections with a vx works error and a sys adbus error.

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Senior Member

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Reply #26 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 8:51am  
Dear Sir

Please contact us BW support , we run the NOC and are in a much better position to analise your problem , you can speak with us directly on MSN , my messenger is

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Reply #27 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 4:57pm  
Sorry I haven't gotten over there yet, it's been busy here.  Let me know if you want me to come over and take a look.  I've been thinking about this a little.  If you're at the MEDEVAC, what kind of power do you have?  Is it the same as the rest of the base, or are you on generators?  What if you tried to use a UPS to see if that fixes it?

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