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telnet 0 issue

(Read 13249 times)

Posts: 16
Nov 27th, 2008 at 1:20pm  
After a pointing that was ok, in the activation process the modem rebooted and It keeps flashing all the lights ever and ever as if it was rebooting.  Since then I can not log in with iSite  (could not detect the device). I've try  hyperterminal using console, I can log in root with iDirect as password, with ifconfig I can see the modem IP (the same in the .opt file) but I can’t telnet 0 (“Unable to connect to remote host ( Connection refused”). don't know if there is a way to completely reset an iDirect 3100 series modem.
I need a help please.
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Reply #1 - Nov 27th, 2008 at 2:44pm  
Your options file in it is corrupt or the wrong type (something is cetainly wrong with it).  

falcon_monitor (daemon) is detecting a problem with the falcon process (probably due to a corrupt opt) and is rebooting falcon.....continuously. That is why you cannot telnet 0 to falcon (your opt).

Since eth0 is dead, you are going to have to cut and paste a good options file into it (in linux).  

1. Do you have a good options file?  
2. Do you have a console cable?

I would actually like to LOOK AT the first few lines of your OPT so I can confirm you do not have a HUB SIDE options file?  Can you copy it into the forum (blank out any IPs, etc).

To save me some typing, the instructions you need are contained in this thread:;action=display;num=122...

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« Last Edit: Nov 27th, 2008 at 10:50pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 16
Reply #2 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 7:08am  
I've followed the instruction but the situation remain the same.  here is what I have:
falcon --version
Code Version:
Build Comment: Release build
Build Label: NetModem-6_0_9_7
For a good understanding, this hapenned while changing the provider, the old opt. file in the modem was "NMS version $Name: NetModem-7_1_1 $" with its pkg. If this can be causing this then let me know if there's a way to download the old .opt file (7.1) in hyperterm to fix the issue.
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Reply #3 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 12:59pm  
So, you are switching from a provider that used 7.1.1 back to one that requires  

From the looks of it, you have the right image (pkg) for the box (, but your options file is remaining 7.1.  To confirm, you pasted the 6.0.9 opt in? Correct?  That cut and paste should have worked.  Are you certain that you copied the 6.X options file and not the 7.1 optiosn file?  The below instructions should work everytime.  

1. Open the GOOD options file in notepad  
2. Control-A and (right click) Copy ONLY the text portion of the options file. NOTHING MORE...just the text.  
3. From console (the prompt should look like this - #) type cd .. (be advised there is a single space between cd and ..)  
4. Then type cd /etc/idirect/falcon/
5. type ls -l (you should see a filename falcon.opt which is your options file on the box).  
6. type cat > falcon.opt (there is a space on both sides of > ) Enter.
7. (on the next line) paste in the copied options file (the one you copied in notepad)  
8. Once the options file pastes in, hit the <enter> key once and then Control D (for done).  
9. This should bring you back to the # prompt.  
10. Type reboot to reset the unit.

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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2009 at 5:01pm by N/A »  
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Reply #4 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 2:04pm  
I'm using the new opt file.
It's funny.  Before i had image and opt 7.1 then I have loaded only, pointed and get 18v. the issue came in the activation (hub operator process) now neither me nor the NOC can not log in (it keeps rebooting).
1. Do I have to stop falcon monitor before copy/paste this opt?
2. Can the old opt (7.1) file be reloaded in through hyperterm to fix the issue.
3. Is it possible to 'factory default' the modem?

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Reply #5 - Nov 28th, 2008 at 7:47pm  
If you have an then you will need a 6.X options file. 

Yes, definitely stop falcon before cut and pasting (keeps the unit from rebooting)  Command at the prompt is:

service idirect_falcon stop

Beyond that, the instructions should fix your problem.....

Please ensure that you are running that cat > falcon.opt command from the /etc/idirect/falcon directory.  You can confirm that you are in that directory by typing pwd when you think you are there.  pwd will tell you what directory you are presently in.  It should be etc/idirect/falcon

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Reply #6 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 3:46pm  
I did not succeed.  Nothing has changed.
Do you have any other idea like factory default setting the modem or reload a new opt file file and pkg?
Your help is still useful
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Reply #7 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 4:57pm  
Your options are limited at this point.  You possibly have a corrupt or wrong options file - which confines you to console or an ssh connection (with WinSCP for example).....or your image may not be 6.X like you think it is.

Are you certain that you have a image on that iDirect unit?  How are you confirming that the image on the box is 6.X if you are unable to telnet to falcon?   

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Reply #8 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 8:03am  
Let me describe what happened:
With the old : I was used iSite 7.1.1 with his .pkg on: [OPTIONS_FILE]
     modem_sn = xxxx
     modem_type = Remote
     modem_hardware = 3100-NB
     did = xxxx
     generated_by = NMS version $Name: NetModem-7_1_1 $
     is_mesh = 0
     disable_options_flash_command = 0
I swiched to a new hub/provider (with a different spacecraft) and received a new .opt file
     modem_sn = XXX
     modem_type = Remote
     did = XXXXX
     generated_by = NMS version $Name: NetModem-6_0_9_7 $
I LOADED THE FILE WITH iSite 7.1 I pointed and rx locked at 18V.  on the activation process, the Hub operator pushed the option file and since then the modem rebooted and keeps rebooting for ever.  since that day neither I nor the operator on the hub has accessed in in the modem.
- could the opt pushed from the hub operator be corrupted? if yes the one I pasted should fix the issue I think.
- did the .pkg and opt file needed to be changed on this new .opt file?

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Reply #9 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 10:37am  
A 3100-NB will not work with version 6 hub. You will have to move to a provider that offers service on a version 7 hub or replace your modem.
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Reply #10 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 11:08am  
Thanks for the light.  can a 7 hub opt file be reloaded and keep the modem rebooting so that it can be accessible with iSite? or the modem has become unusable?
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Reply #11 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 11:52am  
Ah....this is a narrowband modem (devil is in the details).

Like dot said, it wont work.  It is doubtful you will be able to jam that 7.X opt in it to make falcon happy.  You can try it, but I would limit your expectations.
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Reply #12 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:33pm  
Yes, stop falcon (keeps the unit from rebooting) 

Command at the prompt is:

service idirect_falcon stop
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Reply #13 - May 24th, 2009 at 3:50pm  
Hi Dot, can you confirm to me that 3100 will not work with version 6? because the problem I'm having with 3000 Series is that; at the 1st site, I was able to track the satellite (NSS10) but was experiencing drops at particular intervals (don't know what is the cause of the drops). At the 2nd site, I could not even get a signal. What could be the problem?
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Regards,&&&&Xavier Talla&&+237 7920 6436
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #14 - May 24th, 2009 at 5:21pm  
at the 1st site, I was able to track the satellite (NSS10) but was experiencing drops at particular intervals (don't know what is the cause of the drops).

Does a drop mean complete loss of the outlink ?  If so could be LNB temperature.  Check cable connections.  Widen the acquisition range in options file, particularly for DRO type LNB, rather than the much more stable PLL type.

Does drop mean reduction in receive quality of the outlink?  Was it raining at the hub, or locally, was the problem near the equinox and was it a daily sun noise for several days. Did the drops occur with a 24hr pattern? If so, your antenna was perhaps not peaked and you were working on the side of the beam and losing the uplink regularly with the slight daily satellite movement. Plot rx quality every hour for 24 hours.

Did the drop occur frequently, like due to software reset every few minutes, hours etc.  Maybe Dot can help ?

You say "track the satellite".  I suspect you mean "successfully peak up and receive the wanted satellite carrier".  NSS10 is in a stable orbit and does not need a motorised tracking antenna, as for an inclined orbit satellite.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #15 - May 24th, 2009 at 5:54pm  
Hi Eric,
Thanks for being there.
How can I paste the captured screen for you to visualise? What I meant is;
At the 1st site, the RSSI is 4. for an interval of time, then drops to 1. then could up to 13. and come down to 1. and so on.
At the 2nd site, the problem is successfully peak up and receive the wanted satellite carrier.
Note: those sites are in 2 different cities

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Regards,&&&&Xavier Talla&&+237 7920 6436
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Eric Johnston
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Reply #16 - May 24th, 2009 at 6:10pm  
At the 1st site, the RSSI is 4. for an interval of time, then drops to 1. then could up to 13. and come down to 1. and so on.

How long is the interval of time ?  

Can you make the drops happen by waggling the cable ends ?  Gently tapping the LNB ?  Pushing - pulling on the dish ?

Could be intermittent interference, either from the satellite or from terrestrial source.   Is it a cell phone next to the coax cable or lying on the modem ?  Magnetic field from air conditioning fan ? Flashing neon sign ?

If your cross pol is poor and there is an intermittent (slow TDMA) carrier on the opposite polarisation.

Local interference ?  Is this a C band receive system ?

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #17 - May 24th, 2009 at 6:32pm  
The interval of time is close to 10 to 15 seconds then, the green band on the iSite monitor stops and goes to either red or yellow for 1 or 2 seconds, then back to green and the scenario repeats.

I didn't force the drop. Actually we noticed this when we setup the equipment for testing at our head office and thought this could be a local interference, thinking there would be no problem at our costumer's site.  But surprisingly, it's the same scenario.

There was no cell phone next to the coax cable or lying on the modem. I will cross-check whether there is an air conditioning or Flashing neon sign there.

The marks "Polarization" and "Cross" on the OMT are maching.

It is a C band receive system with 1.8m and our Hub is 3.8m
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Regards,&&&&Xavier Talla&&+237 7920 6436
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #18 - May 24th, 2009 at 9:10pm  
Sounds like a software / configuration issue.  

Maybe it initially locks up and after a few seconds finds some error condition (spectrum wrong way up, wrong FEC, wrong block length, wrong carrier ID, wrong serial number, incompatible software to process the receive carrier structure etc ) that causes a restart of the carrier acquisition process; so drops out of green and then starts all over again, cycling every 10 - 15 seconds.

Does the hub know the exact model number and serial number of the iDirect modem you have and its current software level ?  Is this modem + software compatible with the hub software ? Does the hub know the LNB type/model number you are using ?

We need help here from someone familiar with iDirect (not me !).

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #19 - May 24th, 2009 at 10:28pm  
When the RSSI drops, do you drop link or observe low C/N?  i.e. lose the downstream carrier? 

You need to determine if the low RSSI corresponds with low rx snr. To check your rx snr, you can open a telnet session to the iDirect and run the rx snr command at the time you see the RSSI drop.  That, or use iSite to display your SATCOM stats (if you have that level of access).   

Are any other remotes (in this beam) reporting this condition? 

The modem should unlock (lose the TDM downstream carrier) with erratic signal levels, like you mention.  Need to confirm that.  If C/N is fluctuating, then you need to look hard at your LNB, associated cabling, and the DC that the iDirect is providing to the LNB...if DRO, consider PLL. 
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SA. Australia
Reply #20 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 1:53am  
So, you are switching from a provider that used 7.1.1 back to one that requires  

From the looks of it, you have the right image (pkg) for the box (, but your options file is remaining 7.1.  To confirm, you pasted the 6.0.9 opt in? Correct?  That cut and paste should have worked.  Are you certain that you copied the 6.X options file and not the 7.1 optiosn file?  The below instructions should work everytime.  

1. Open the GOOD options file in notepad  
2. Control-A and (right click) Copy ONLY the text portion of the options file. NOTHING MORE...just the text.  
3. From console (the prompt should look like this - #) type cd .. (be advised there is a single space between cd and ..)  
4. Then type cd /etc/idirect/falcon/
5. type ls -l (you should see a filename falcon.opt which is your options file on the box).  
6. type cat > falcon.opt (there is a space on both sides of > ) Enter.
7. (on the next line) paste in the copied options file (the one you copied in notepad)  
8. Once the options file pastes in, hit the <enter> key once and then Control D (for done).  
9. This should bring you back to the # prompt.  
10. Type reboot to reset the unit.

After you enter the directory and before you perfrom the cat > falcon.opt command you should delete the other options files in the remote.
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Reply #21 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 11:50am  
Actually, I think the proper way to do it is to copy it and rename it.  Then when you overwrite falcon.opt with the "good" opt, you have a fall back plan with the one that was renamed.
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Reply #22 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 8:49am  
Actually, I think the proper way to do it is to copy it and rename it.  Then when you overwrite falcon.opt with the "good" opt, you have a fall back plan with the one that was renamed.  

I agree with Mike...
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