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Hardware Reset for iDirect3100

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Feb 7th, 2009 at 4:15pm  
How can I do a Hardware reset for idirect 3100Huh
i know I have to do short circuit between 2 pins on idirect board.....but which pins?
Can somebody show me that using diagrams....details please
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Reply #1 - Feb 7th, 2009 at 8:27pm  
Why are you asking to do this?  Did the unit fail on you, when performing a cumulative update?

Do you have access to the NMS image sets? 

Specifically, the zImage file that is part of the zipped cumulative_update folder? 

I am not familiar with "hardware reseting" by jumpering pins on the board.  Cant help you there.

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Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 8:42pm  
the unit keeps on reseting after I performed a cumulative update.

I have no access to anything, except RedBoot

You can't help, OH......OK no problem thanks for trying though.
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Reply #3 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 9:57pm  
Apologize for the continuous questions, but I must ask:

1. When the unit boots, does it stop with a Redboot> or a #?

2.  What iDS are you using. 

If you unit is stopping at Redboot then you have some serious work to do. 

Do you have access to the NMS image sets?  You will need the zImage file out of the cumulative update pkg (for the iDS you are presently using).  Which means, that image set will have to be unzipped and copied to the client that is attached to the iDirect unit.  You will also need iSite TFTP. 


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Reply #4 - Feb 9th, 2009 at 10:21pm  
No need for any apology mike.
the unit starts rebooting after loading Falcon......
but once I get to the Redboot I am good, the unit stops reseting there, I have no reseting problem once I got Red Boot.

the iDs that I am trying to load is 8.2.2
I got both the Cumulative file and the package file.

I successfully loaded Linux and I went through all these steps
I am using isite 8.2.....I tried to load the cumulative file into idirect using tftp.
this is what I did:

I went to isite-->file--->tftp-->browse to the folder where the cumulative file is
then I wrote the command: <ip address of my pc> cumulative_update-8_2_2.pkg

then I got Downloading package....but after 3 seconds from that I got timeout!?!?!

i don't know why I am getting time out, though I have successfully pinged from the client (my pc) to idirect and from idirect to my pc.

you said I will need isite TFTP......did you mean like a special version of iSite!?!

appreciating your help, Mike Thanks

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Reply #5 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 2:52am  
Q:  Did you install the 8.2.2 upgrade prep package prior to loading the cumulative_update and image for 8.2.2?  (the upgrade prep package is required for 3100 series remotes). 

You say the unit is in continuous reboot.  That tells me that the falcon_ monitor is detecting a problem with falcon, therefore is restarting it.  I am trying to make sense of how you are getting to reboot from there?

Q: When you get to a stable (none rebooting) state, are you seeing a Redboot> or a # for a prompt?

I am assuming you are seeing the Redboot> prompt?  Is that accurate? 

If you are in fact getting to a Redboot>  prompt and not a linux prompt (#) you need to find a way to unzip and copy the zimage file from cumulative update.  Since the 3100 series upgrade prep package was not loaded prior to the cumulative update and image, then I am not sure how "recoverable" this remote is.  However,  we could give it a shot if you can get ahold of the zimage file.  If not, plan to RMA that box.

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Reply #6 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 8:58pm  
A1: no I didn't install prep package, as far as I know prep package is only needed if my ids is 8.0.1

A2: I get stable -none rebooting state- at Red Boot.
yes I am seeing Red Boot> prompt

I successfully loaded i got # prompt.

in RedBoot> I typed: fis Load Linux and other command....etc.
so I loaded linux and got into # prompt.

how can I load zimage?
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Reply #7 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 10:29pm  
If you are getting to the #-prompt there is no need to worry about the zImage.  

Do you have a copy of your options file?  My thoughts on this are: if you are able to get to linux (#) then your problem is probably with falcon itself (hence the reason for the reboots).

Do you know how to copy and paste your opt into /etc/idirect/falcon?  I would suggest trying that first, before you manually re-load the cumulative update and image in linux.  If the box exhibits the same symptoms after you cut and paste the opt into it, then the next step (in my opinion) would be to manually load the cumulative update and image onto it (with WinSCP or iSite TFTP and command line)

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« Last Edit: Feb 11th, 2009 at 12:34pm by N/A »  
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Reply #8 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 10:34pm  
Procedures for cut and paste:

Get on console of that 3100, at the # type service idirect_falcon stop to keep it from rebooting.

Procedures you need to follow for the command line/paste to host:

1. Open the GOOD options file in notepad
2. Control-A and (right click) Copy ONLY the text portion of the options file. NOTHING MORE...just the text.
3. From console (the prompt should look like this - #) type cd .. (be advised there is a single space between cd and ..)
4. Then type cd /etc/idirect/falcon/
5. type ls -l  (you should see a filename falcon.opt which is your options file on the box).
6. type cat > falcon.opt (there is a space on both sides of > ) Enter.
7. (on the next line) paste in the copied options file (the one you copied in notepad)
8. Once the options file pastes in, hit the <enter> key once and then Control D (for done).  
9. This should bring you back to the # prompt.  
10. Type reboot to reset the unit.

The system should come up on the options file you pasted in.  If it does not, then start planning to load the BSP and Image manually.  Let me know how the cut and paste goes.
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Reply #9 - Feb 14th, 2009 at 1:38pm  
Thanks man, I will try it an let you know
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Reply #10 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 8:06pm  
hi man,
unfortunately it didn't work....
I guess I have a problem with my cumulative file, anyway I sent to idirect-sponsor office and they are gonna fix it.

Anyway Thanks for your help Mike.

Take Care
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Reply #11 - Feb 16th, 2009 at 11:19pm  
I figured cut/pasting the opt was a long-shot (at best)  because you had to fight your way to the linux prompt  (#) from redboot.  Even a system with a corrupt opt will get to the linux prompt (from there falcon_monitor will reboot it because it thinks something is wrong). 

It was worth a shot.   It can be fixed but there is a process to it. Your sponsor will probably RMA it.

Have a good one...

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