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iDirect 3000 Password Recovery

(Read 9592 times)

Posts: 25
Mar 28th, 2009 at 7:37am  

I have an iDirect 3000 modem which was preconfigured by another installer.
I cannot log on to the router and load the new option file because i dont know the password that was used on the earlier configuration.
Can someone help? I need to recover the password.

Best regards,

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Reply #1 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 11:41am  
Login on root or telnet to falcon?

The Opt Password is set by the provider.  If you have a new options file (with a known password), you can cut and paste it in on console.  That is the preferable route.

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Reply #2 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 12:35pm  
francyb, obviously you need to perform a password recovery. Before that you won't be able to login as either root or telnet into falcon. Your hub operator should be able to give you a copy of the recovery procedure. It involves stopping the boot loader when consoled in and starting the operating system in single user mode, changing the password and then replacing the options file with a known good one. So while you are about it get a good options file from your new hub operator. You may also want to check that the modem is not locked, type 'rlock' from within falcon to check this.
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Reply #3 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 4:17pm  
Hi gentlemen,

Thanks for the input but you have to excuse me. What is falcon? Is it a telnet program? How do i get working with it?


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Reply #4 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 7:53pm  
When you said you are trying to log onto the satellite router?  How are you going about it?  From the console, or from a TCP/IP connection?

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Reply #5 - Mar 28th, 2009 at 8:56pm  
Hi Mike,

I was trying to log on from TCP/IP using a cross cable back to back with my laptop. I used wire shark to discover the IP adcdress of the modem.

Kind regards,

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Reply #6 - Mar 29th, 2009 at 2:54am  
1. Do you have a new options file (with a password you know).  You mentioned it above, but thought I would ask again...

2. Since you cannot log into the box tcp/ip (with the old config), recommend you cut/paste your new opt into the box from linux. 

The only concern I have with pasting it, is that you do not know what bsp/image is presently on the box.

Hopefully it matches.  If it does, once you paste the new opt, you should be able to telnet to falcon because your eth0 interface will then be configured to the IP address specified in the new options file.  So, to connect to it all you would have to do is put the client in the same subnet and establish a connection to it (then you could use iSite, telnet, etc...whatever your want).
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Reply #7 - Mar 29th, 2009 at 10:35am  
Hi MIke,

Thanks for the input much appreciated.
Unfortunately, i dont have the new opt file yet. I will have it in three days time.
How can i tell the bsp/image running on the box?
Where do i get packages to load on to the modem once i have logged in?

Best regards,

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Reply #8 - Mar 29th, 2009 at 1:38pm  
You will need that new opt before you cut/paste it in.  

I cannot remember exact directories (and I dont have a unit with me) to check the software packages presently on the box (from linux).  There are commands you can use to drill down and find the software presently loaded.  You will have to give me until Monday to provide the strings for you to check the existing packages.

If you dont have matching packages (read the opt you want to load doesnt match the image on the box), you will need to get them from your S-ISP.  They should have an FTP site or website to unload them from.

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Reply #9 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 9:33am  

I was able to login to the modem. The password was provided by the former installer.
Now, i have another hustle. I think i loaded a bad option file and the modem now keeps rebooting.
I am able to ping it but i cannot telnet into it using a cross cable back to back. So, i have used a console cable and am able to login as root.
How do i then reload the old option file using hyper terminal? I recall someone advised to cut and paste. How do i go about that?

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Reply #10 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 12:00pm  
Procedures for cut and paste:

Get on console of that 3100, at the # type service idirect_falcon stop to keep it from rebooting. (this will stop falcon.  Falcon monitor daemon is detecting an issue with the options file that is presently loaded, therefore it is rebooting it in an effort to fix it)

Procedures you need to follow for the command line/paste to host:

1. Open the GOOD options file in notepad
2. Control-A and (right click) Copy ONLY the text portion of the options file. NOTHING MORE...just the text.
3. From console (the prompt should look like this - #) type cd .. (be advised there is a single space between cd and ..)
4. Then type cd /etc/idirect/falcon/
5. type ls -l  (you should see a filename falcon.opt which is your options file on the box).
6. type cat > falcon.opt (there is a space on both sides of > ) Enter.
7. (on the next line) paste in the copied options file (the one you copied in notepad)
8. Once the options file pastes in, hit the <enter> key once and then Control D (for done).  
9. This should bring you back to the # prompt.  
10. Type reboot to reset the unit.

The system should come up on the options file you pasted in.  If/When it does, you need to check your BSP and image immediately because the options files you have may not match the software packages.  That could be the reason for falcon rebooting (continuously).  

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Posts: 25
Reply #11 - Mar 31st, 2009 at 11:16pm  
Hi Mike,

That was a brilliant explanation. Withy your procedure i I was able to login and the modem appears back to normal operation.
I have one more question though.
I received the new option file from the NOC and loaded it. The issue is that i spent almost three hours without getting a lock on W3A.
My iSite shows that it go as much as 2.2v, i have tried swopping lnbs but still the same reading.Could it be that am poiting to a wrong spacecraft? If so is it possible to get such a reading if one points to a wrong satellite?
Any suggestions?

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Reply #12 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 2:18am  
Glad it worked out for you. 

You need to ensure your POL (polarisation) is correct for the downstream carrier or beacon that are are trying to find.  Your provider should be able to confirm whether that carrier is Horizontal or Vertical POL.  Make sure you polarize your system according to their instructions. 

If you are off POL, you could hunt for quite some time without finding a thing.  Believe it or not, hunting for the craft (your carrier) is the challenging part!
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Eric Johnston
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Reply #13 - Apr 1st, 2009 at 8:35am  
Assuming Ku band.

Ask your service provider:

What is the name and orbit position of your satellite?

What is the name of your downlink polarisation:  Horizontal or vertical?

What is the satellite downlink frequency and the LNB local oscillator frequency you should be using to match the L band tuning set in the options file?

Check you have the correct model of LNB and the calculation:  modem tuning frequency + LNB LO freq = satellite frequency.  e.g. 1234.567000 + 10000 = 11234.567000 MHz.

Find your polarisation adjustment angle, beam elevation and azimuth angles using Lat long finder

Set your polarisation to nominal (LNB at the top is horizontal receive, at the side vertical receive)

Set the polarisation adjustment angle to +/-1 deg accuracy, add +3.5 if Eutelsat satellite.  Positive is clockwise as viewed with you facing towards the satellite.

Set the beam elevation angle using the scale on the bracket.  If no scale follow instructions in the dish assembly manual.  In case of an offset dish the beam elevation is the same as the offset angle when the front face is vertical. Make an inclinometer if needed.

Now swing the dish boldly sideways around the approx magnetic azimuth bearing and you will find the satellite immediately on the first swing.  Spend at least 30 minutes peaking up.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #14 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 11:36pm  
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the postings.
I must mention here that i tested the equipment before i left my test site and i was able get a lock with 12 to 13v on isite.
The only thing that has changed in this case is the option file. I dont get it. I phoned the NOC and requested that they go through it again, perhaps they errored somewhere.
Best regards,

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Reply #15 - Apr 5th, 2009 at 7:54pm  
Hi Mike/Eric,

Thanks a lot for your input it was really helpful.
I managed to get a lock. I struggled with two option files provided by my NOC but to no avail. In view of this i copied a working option file from  working (active) site and changed the modem serial number ip address, lat and long to match the new site and i managed to get a lock.
I have written to my ISP/NOC to make them aware of what has happened regarding the option files they sent to me.

Thanks again.

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Eric Johnston
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Reply #16 - Apr 5th, 2009 at 8:50pm  
Well done.  Your ISP/NOC need to update their hub database for this site and get their instructions and options files correct for future new installations.  I hope they don't now detect a mis-matched options anomaly and try to download a bad options file to the site !

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #17 - Apr 6th, 2009 at 11:55am  
It is quite possible that they send you a hub side options file.  If so, that will really causae problems.  Glad to hear things are shaping up for you.
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