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re:can't get any channel on horizontal

(Read 2106 times)

Posts: 1
Aug 15th, 2009 at 7:54pm  
hey there fellas we are in africa and we just got our selves a dan-sat receiver.we set it up but we are only getting channels on the vertical something like 5...horizontals quality is very low we get the signal which is at 70% but the quality is at 7%..we can't get channels like mbc which are very vital on arabsat..anyone got any clues what the problem might be i mean verticals signal and quality are high yet horizontals signal and quality are very low.....anyone have an idea about whats happening?
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Reply #1 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 9:41am  
First check that the satellite has beams on both polarisations at your location.

If one polarisation does not work.  

Have you tried rotating the LNB by 90 deg by hand ?.

Does your LNB have remotely switchable polarisation ?  How does it work ?  Does it need switchable +13 or +18 volts from the receiver or separate cable and power supply ?

It would be useful to know exactly where you are, LNB type and modem number, what satellite you are aiming for, beam coverage maps and a listing of the TV channels available - see

Best regards, Eric.
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