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GlobalTT Data Volume Discrepencies  

(Read 3379 times)

Posts: 6
Feb 26th, 2010 at 5:00pm  

I've been working a previous thread on this subject and got some input from another forum member which was helpful but I am hoping that by adding the company name to the title of the thread someone from GlobalTT will jump in and help out.

The basic issue here is that there is a discrepency between what my router is telling me are the bytes being transmitted over my link and what the GlobalTT global interface (web site) says.  Since I am charged for data based on what the global interface says it cannot be ignored.  Especially since the difference is always in the favor of GlobalTT.

The discrepency amounts to around 30% and is fairly consistent.  My SNR in both direction appears to be in excess of 9.5dB and my BER less than 10e-6.

I am trying to find a reasonable explaination for why this discrepency exists so I can take action to eliminate it.

I am hoping that someone from GlobalTT will see this thread and put forward an explaination.
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