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Problem with iDirect 5000 series modem

(Read 4234 times)

Posts: 2
Mar 28th, 2010 at 7:48am  
Hello All!

It just weird, I purchased a used iDirect remote modem from a US supplier and they gave me an iDirect 5000 series modem. However, it does not show the model number so we assumed that it was a 5100 series.

I re-flashed the modem with the correct PKG (Cum pack file and remote pack file) file and opt files and I believe that I have successfully flash both the files.

My engineer went to the field last Friday to install this remote, to our surprise, the TX LED does not light up.

I asked my engineer to re-point the antenna to "peak" the signal and so far he is already getting 13.xx on an RX SNR command. After doing this, he plugged in the TX cable and again, same thing happened. No TX LED!

He did a STATUS command and saw something like this "TXmiter off, RXitter locked, waiting for acquisition." After this, I told my engr to do a DID command via telnet and he saw 5300 and the s/n of the modem.

After this, I contacted my US supplier and he told me that he sold me a 5100 modem and said that 5300 does not exist. After reviewing and skimming through the forum, I saw that DID hash is different with 5100 and 5300...makes me wonder if indeed, it was a wrong model thus wrong OPT file generated.

Any clues on this possible problem?
1. If i ask my NOC to generate a new OPT file but this time identifying the model as 5300, do you guys think this will make my remote log in to the network?
2. Why did my US supplier said that 5300 does not exist when clearly I saw the hash equivalent of the 5300 in the forum (DID CALCULATION)
3. is the DID command in the telnet valid? I mean, if i pump in the new opt file,would DID command just read the information at the OPT file? Or will this command read from the actual firmware/FPGA which is unchangeable.

Thank you for your help!

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Reply #1 - Mar 28th, 2010 at 1:04pm  
There are 5100 and 5300 series remotes.  The 50 series, ex 5150, 5350, and 8350 have hifn cards in them for link encryption purposes.

As for yours, take a look at the remotes MAC address and use the below example as a guide.

iNFINITI Example:



aa =        a1 for II+ | 13 for 3100 |1a for 5350

bb-cc =    serial number of the remote (this is not so for 5350 models)

Im sure you already know this, but you need to have your HNO rebuild your option file to reflect the accurate DID for your modem type.  
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« Last Edit: Mar 28th, 2010 at 8:02pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 2
Reply #2 - Mar 28th, 2010 at 3:02pm  
Hi Mike,

Thank you very much for this guidance, I will ask our Hub to create a new opt file so that i can reflect the correct one accordingly.

More power to you and the rest of the forum!

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