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iDirect 3000 issue with TS2 service

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Posts: 5
May 6th, 2010 at 6:18am  
Hey folks, I'm using TS2 on a military base in Afghanistan.  A wind storm knocked off our dish alignment a few days ago, and I was finally able to get a Birdog yesterday to tune it back in.  However, we still do not have connection thru the router.  I can ping it all day long, have tried different laptops and tested the cables, yet still nothing.  The main issue is that every time I use iSite for the Align Antennae function, the BUC light on the back of the router shuts off as soon as I start to align, then blinks rapidly green 10 seconds later.  As soon as I close the aligning function, the BUC light shuts off and stays off.  Also, when I login to the router, the device status says BUC failure or unavailable.  I added a copy of the .opt file I had TS2 send me last night, I was hoping that would fix the issue, but I really dont know how to interpret it.  Can anyone help?

     modem_sn = xxxxxxx
     modem_type = Remote
     modem_hardware = 3100
     did = xxxxxxxxxxx
     generated_by = NMS version $Name: NetModem-8_0_2_7 $
     is_mesh = 0
     disable_options_flash_command = 0

     timeout = 20000
     server_ip = xxxxxxxxxx
     broadcast_ip = xxxxxxxxxxxx
     keep_alive_port_number = 2860
     NRD_server_ip = xxxxxxxxxxx
     NRD_remote_status_port_number = xxxx
     service_monitor_interval = 1000
     download_monitor_group = xxxxxxxx
     download_monitor_port = 9000
     download_monitor_credentials = 1234
     is_nms_managed = 1
     event_server_ip = xxxxxxxxx
     event_server_port = 2860

     mode = 0
     vid = 1

     address = xxxx
     netmask =
     rip_enabled = 0

     dns_enable = 1
     dns_primary_server_name = ns1
     dns_primary_server_addr = xxxxxxxxxxxx
     dns_secondary_server_name = ns2
     dns_secondary_server_addr = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
     dns_cache_size = 100
     dns_cache_ttl_min = 300
     dns_cache_ttl_max = 86400
     dns_forward_queue_size = 1000
     dns_forward_timeout = 2000

     dhcp_mode = 1
     dhcp_lease_seconds = 43200
     dhcp_lease_range =
     dhcp_dns_server_ip =
     dhcp_dns_server2_ip = xxxxxxxxx
     dhcp_gateway_ip =

     interface = sat0
     network =
     netmask =
     gateway =
     metric = 1

     address =
     netmask =
     rip_enabled = 0

     interface = ixp0
     phy_count = 1

     lan_ip =
     lan_subnet_ip =
     lan_gw_ip =

     data_port = 0
     loopback = 0
     interface_type = 0
     rx_freq = 1313557800
     rx_acqrange = 1800000
     rx_bitrate = 8112304
     rx_mode = 2
     rx_modtype = 1
     rx_fecrate = 19
     rx_scram = 1
     rx_diff = 0
     rx_specinv = 0
     tx_freq = 1000000000
     tx_bitrate = 512281
     tx_mode = 0
     tx_modtype = 1
     tx_clksource = 0
     tx_fecrate = 5
     tx_scram = 1
     tx_diff = 0
     tx_specinv = 0
     tx_power_in_dbm = -13.000000
     rx_fsd = 46727
     tx_spreading_factor = 1
     rx_spreading_factor = 1
     is_demod2_active = 0

     fsd = 39818

     power_uplink_control_processing = 1
     max_power_level_in_db = -8.000000

     music_present = 0
     odu_rx_dc_power = 1
     odu_rx_10_mhz = 0
     odu_tx_dc_power = 1
     odu_tx_10_mhz = 1
     odu_disable_tx_pwm = 0

     tx_watchdog_timeout_in_frames = 2

     fec_blocks_per_outroute_frame = 70
     unique_word_len_downstream = 32
     symbols_per_inroute_frame = 48213
     outroute_fec_block_len = 2048
     outroute_fec_type = 879
     inroute_fec_block_len = 128
     inroute_fec_type = 660
     unique_word_len = 32
     symbols_per_outroute_frame = 573471
     num_acq_slots = 1
     aperture_traffic = 8
     aperture_acq = 667
     num_traffic_slots = 85
     payload = 512
     skip_slots = 3

     ll_open_active = 1
     ll_tx_window = 1024
     ll_rx_window_backoff = 1000
     ll_rx_window = 1024
     ll_t1_timeout = 4000
     ll_t2_timeout = 1000
     ll_t3_timeout = 5000
     ll_t4_timeout = 1500
     ll_t1_retry_limit = 5

     spoof_debug_level = 0
     spoof_passthru = 0
     spoof_timeout = 100
     spoof_oos_buffer_size = 64240
     spoof_keepalive_timeout_ms = 6000
     spoof_fwd_ack_ms_timeout = 200
     spoof_fade_timeout = 120000
     spoof_reap_timeout = 480000
     spoof_syn_timeout = 120000
     spoof_max_sessions = -1
     spoof_accel_connect = 1
     spoof_accel_port = 80
     spoof_retx_buffer_size = 500000
     spoof_peer_retx_buffer_size = 47370
     spoof_merge_on = 0
     spoof_compression_on = 0

     hub_lat = 48.052000
     hub_long = 11.661000
     remote_lat = 33.130000
     remote_long = 68.840000
     spacecraft_long = 21.500000
     reflector_offset_angle = 0.000000

     down_translation = 10000.000000
     up_translation = 13050.000000

     cpu_util_test_enabled = 0

     port = 14599

     tx_segment_size = 70
     tx_passthru = 0
     rx_passthru = 1

     enable = 0
     sleep_timeout = 0

     filter_id = 3
     default_allow = 1

     did = 3100.65003
     virtual_remote_id = 1
     parent_gqos_id = 117
     priority = 6
     cost = 0.500000
     cir_bps = 0
     max_bps = -1
     sticky_cir_enabled = 0
     legacy_fairness = 0

     name = NMS_ICMP
     virtual_remote_id = 1
     type = priority
     priority = 100
     max_depth_packets = 287
     max_depth_bytes = 14362
     max_depth_ms = 250
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 1
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 1
     cir_trigger = 1


     name = NMS_UDP
     virtual_remote_id = 1
     type = priority
     priority = 100
     max_depth_packets = 287
     max_depth_bytes = 14362
     max_depth_ms = 250
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 1
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 1
     cir_trigger = 1


     name = NMS_TCP
     virtual_remote_id = 1
     type = priority
     priority = 100
     max_depth_packets = 250
     max_depth_bytes = 3004
     max_depth_ms = 20
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 1
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 1
     cir_trigger = 1

     DEST_IP_ADDR = EQUAL xxxxxxxxxxxxx

     did = 3100.65003
     virtual_remote_id = 2
     parent_gqos_id = 121
     priority = 4
     cost = 1.000000
     cir_bps = 5000
     max_bps = 10000
     sticky_cir_enabled = 0
     legacy_fairness = 0

     name = ICMP
     virtual_remote_id = 2
     type = priority
     priority = 75
     max_depth_packets = 287
     max_depth_bytes = 14362
     max_depth_ms = 250
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 0
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 0
     cir_trigger = 1


     did = 3100.65003
     virtual_remote_id = 0
     parent_gqos_id = 118
     priority = 2
     cost = 0.700000
     cir_bps = 51000
     max_bps = 512000
     sticky_cir_enabled = 0
     legacy_fairness = 0

     name = TCP
     virtual_remote_id = 0
     type = cost_based
     cost = 0.500000
     max_depth_packets = 250
     max_depth_bytes = 3004
     max_depth_ms = 20
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 0
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 0
     cir_trigger = 1


     name = DEFAULT
     virtual_remote_id = 0
     type = cost_based
     cost = 0.500000
     max_depth_packets = 287
     max_depth_bytes = 14362
     max_depth_ms = 250
     drop_oldest_uis_first = 1
     rt_weight = 0.000000
     trigger_wakeup = 1
     cir_trigger = 1

     enc_layer_enabled = 0
     enc_enabled = 0
     enc_mode = 0
     peer_mode = 1
     auth_level_required = 0

     id = 2
     is_encrypted = 0

     passthru = 1
     force_udp_fullheader = 1
     force_rtp_fullheader = 1
     payload_comp = 0
     max_hdr_comp_packet_size = 180

     Threshold = 90

     partial_passthru = 0

     mem_low_percent = 75
     mem_high_percent = 90

     device_path = /dev
     device_mode = tdma
     device_name = tx

     device_path = /dev
     device_mode = scpc
     device_name = rx1

     device_path = /dev
     device_mode = tdma
     device_name = btp

     device_path = /dev
     device_mode = tdma
     device_name = sof

     min_look_angle = 0.000000
     lnb_vdc = 18

     mode = 1
     server = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
     port = 2859
     interval = 5000
     service_monitor_group =
     service_monitor_port = 9001

[ Some parts of the option file deleted or obscured by forum admin. Please do not put public IP addresses or security details in this forum ]

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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2010 at 9:38am by Admin1 »  
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Senior Member

Posts: 118
Reply #1 - May 6th, 2010 at 11:04am  

The BUC LED at the back should be labelled BUC Pwr. It should normally be green and constant. If it is red it indicates a short on your Tx IFL cable; check your connectors and cable, moisture can also cause a short. If you disconnect the cable and power cycle the modem it should reset to green. If it does not light up or stays constant red then the internal fuse/electronic protection is damaged and you'll have to RMA the unit.

On the front you should have a constant Rx, flashing or constant TX and the Net LED never lights up. This is because you are not transmitting.
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Reply #2 - May 7th, 2010 at 5:02am  
I haven't seen any red lights in the back, the BUC light just stays off after using the Align Antennae function in iSite, and doesn't come on until I power cycle the modem, nothing else seems to make it come on.  I'll double check the lights in the front, but the status thru iSite shows the Network and Status, the first and last lights, as red.  Also, what would cause me to find the satellite thru a Birdog, but as soon as I plug in the modem, it shows there being absolutely no signal?
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #3 - May 7th, 2010 at 9:28am  
it shows there being absolutely no signal

You are pointed at the wrong satellite, wrong polarisation, wrong options file or LNB (receive) cable disconnected.

If your antenna has moved in the wind simply use iSite to refind the satellite and peak up.  There is no need to use a birdog and I would not do so. In fact, using a birdog is likely to confuse you unless you have sucessfully used the birdog before in exactly the same situation.

A birdog is an L band receiver intended for people regularly pointing satellite TV dishes, using universal TVRO LNBs, normally looking for the same satellite every time.  They thus develop confidence in the birdog programming and its ability to recognise a particular satellite and TV carrier frequency and symbol rate and polarisation.   If you use a birdog for VSAT work you need to understand that the birdog L band tuning must be to the satellite downlink frequency minus your LNB local oscillator frequency. VSAT LNBs are normally fixed LO frequency (e.g. 9.75, 10, 10.6, 11.3 GHz) and the polarisation is selected and adjusted manually, not by remote control.  TVRO LNBs have remotely controllable polarisation selection (plus manual polarisation adjustment) and frequency using voltages and tone. A few VSAT LNBs have switchable local oscillators using tone or voltages. A further complication is the birdog may not be suitable to receive the wanted VSAT carrier.  In this case the person programming the birdog needs to identify a suitable satellite TV carrier on the same satellite, in the same block of frequency range and, preferably, on the same polarisation.  Alternatively you might manually program the birdog to a suitable L band frequency and symbol rate, using your own calculations and prior knowledge of what suitable carrier you hope is present.  Note that a birdog will lock to a wrong carrier on wrong satellite if the symbol rate and frequency approximately match.  As you can see, using a birdog may confuse you.

In the picture below the blue line shows approx the direction to point the dish.
If you go to dish pointing Afghanistan you may enlarge the image and find your building  and get a better idea of the angle of the blue line relative to a wall, building corner, fence etc.

I would have a look at several satellites either way along the orbit till you get a big solid green iSite voltage. The satellites are in a sloping line, tilted 48 deg to the right, going down to the west and up towards due south.  Then peak up very carefully.

Best regards, Eric.
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Posts: 5
Reply #4 - May 7th, 2010 at 12:47pm  
Hey thanks a lot Eric.  One of the Czech network admin guys came by, actually 3 of them and locked our dish onto the correct satellite using I believe a spectrum analyzer.  They are the same guys that locked us onto the satellite a couple months ago, so they definitely have the correct satellite.  However, iSite is still picking up nothing.  Which would narrow the problem down to a cable, the LNB, or the modem.  We checked the cables yesterday, so that takes them out of the equation.  I also found a replacement BUC from some other guys that is the same model as ours, still nothing on iSite.  So I'd say its fairly safe to assume that the LNB is good.  The polarization was adjusted by the Czechs, so I can pretty much guarantee its correct.  That leaves the options file.  I had TS2 send me an updated opt file, the one I posted.  I know its a very small file, and when I upload it to the modem it is ready to reset almost instantly, should it take a few seconds?  And is there a way to run that file against someone elses to check for errors?  I uploaded both opt files, the original and the new one, and neither seem to have any effect.  I got a recommendation today to look at the transmit power settings and see if they jive with what TS2 says it should be, so I'm going to shoot them an email about that.  If uploading all the files over again doesn't seem to fix the problem, what could I look at next?  Is there some way to run a sort of diagnostic check on this modem, or something that can say this is good or this is bad?  Thank you for all your assistance, its a million times more helpful than what I'm getting from TS2.
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #5 - May 7th, 2010 at 3:33pm  
It is necessary to get the receive aspect of your system working, before consideration of transmitting.

These features of the options file matter:
     rx_freq = 1313557800
     rx_acqrange = 1800000
     rx_bitrate = 8112304

In this case the modem tuning is 1313.557800 MHz.  If your LNB has 10 GHz local oscillator then you are looking for a satellite downlink frequency of 11313.557800 MHz.

The acquisition range is the amount your modem will sweep, looking for the carrier. DRO type LNBs have poor stability. 1800000 means 1.8 MHz sweep.  It is unlikely that your LNB is that bad, except at extremes of temperature (-40/+60dec C).

Receive bitrate = 8112304, together with FEC code method make the modem look for the expected carrier bandwidth (e.g. approx 4 MHz wide for 8 Mbit/s carrier)

Only TS2 will know if the above matches what they are transmitting now.

    odu_rx_dc_power = 1

This turns on the DC power supply voltage up the LNB receive cable.

I can't advise as to the exact delay behaviour of the modem when an options file is entered.  Hopefully someone else will help.

Please also if anyone else is using TS2 iDirect on W6 please what is your options file rx frequency, bit rate etc ?

Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: May 7th, 2010 at 7:39pm by Eric Johnston »  
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Posts: 5
Reply #6 - May 7th, 2010 at 7:01pm  
OK I got some of that, I'm pretty good about networking and general technical issues on a computer, but radio theory is definitely not my strong suit.  What did you mean about the oscillator and a DRO?  Also, are you saying that the acquisition range seems incorrect?
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #7 - May 7th, 2010 at 7:32pm  
If your system has worked before with TS2 service on W6 then you have the correct type LNB.  The options file contains the information:
     down_translation = 10000.000000
     up_translation = 13050.000000

So I guess your LNB actually has local oscillator = 10 GHz.

As far as sweep range is concerned, 1.8 MHz is probably OK.  0.3 MHz would not be wide enough.

If you have been given two options files; are they the same ?  If they are different then what are the differences and why ?  Which file is the one to use ?    It is no use looking for a satellite with an options file intended for use with a different satellite, different frequency, bit rate etc.   TS2 should help you. They should provide you with an options file suitable for use with a named satellite and polarisation and LNB type.

"Ku band" is rather wide, 10.7 - 12.75 GHz, and several different LNBs are needed, each covering a section of the band.

Each type has a different local oscillator frequency, used to downconvert the satellite frequency into the L band frequency within the cable to the modem.

10.95-11.7   LO=10 GHz       NJR2784  
11.7-12.2     LO=10.75 GHz  NJR2744
12.25-12.75 LO=11.3 GHz    NJR2754

More details about How LNBs work
More details of NJR LNBs

TS2 should have provided you with:
 Satellite name and orbit position
 Downlink carrier frequency
 Type of LNB to use
 Downlink Polarisation name.
 Options file.

Best regards, Eric.

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Posts: 47
Reply #8 - Jun 11th, 2010 at 2:01pm  
1)According to my Acknowledge , you don't have to use Tx Cable connected with BUC if you are pointing the Dish Anteena to the Satellite. Just Plug the Rx Cable to the Rx Port of iDirect Modem and Connected to the LNB.
2) if the problem still exsist you have to recover the modem by recovery process of iNFINITi that will refresh the setting to default and than you have to put the exact packages of cumulative and remote and than option file.
3) if still problem will not solve you can use L-band modem if some one from your office can transmit some carrier than you can easily receive the the carrier , when you got the carrier of L-band Modem and rx maximum EB/No levels than you can plug the iDirect and check
4) Can you please connect the modem via console and telnet 0 the modem , than i can help more when i verified that is this a modem issue or some other power related or site related issue ...

There are many possibilities if the BUC lights are off during Poiniting as i recommend don't use to Plug Tx cable when you are just pointing.
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Regards,&&Syed Irfan Hasan&&iDirect & VSAT Engineer
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Posts: 25
Reply #9 - Jul 20th, 2010 at 11:01am  
hello ,
Dear micky55 i am fromAfghanistan and a couple days ago i install 4 TS2 links in Kandahar Air Field if you want to install more links and want private VSAT then please contact me at and on compas the loction for TS2 is 254 and the real evelation is 55 Degree the polarization is -15 degree the antnna is up side down...

AFSAT comm
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