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HX50 W7 pointing issues

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Sep 22nd, 2010 at 6:56pm  

I just got my HX50 set up today and im having a few issues.  It works right now, but i think my polarization is wrong.  right now, ive got the feed arm at the bottom of the dish.  i made my polarization adjustments to the LNB.  my question is this, do i need to rotate the LNB or the dish itself?  if i rotate the dish for polarization, do i need to adjust the azimuth?

the only reason im asking is that my connection speed seems to be slow, and sometimes it just seems to stop working.  my signal strength is 83, i had it peaked to 91, but it dropped as soon as i attached the TX cable.

thanks in advance for any help.
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USN - Retired
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Reply #1 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 8:07pm  
If your polarization was wrong, you wouldn't receive a signal at all. But you may have the TRIA itself (Transmit/Receive Integrated Assembly) put together wrong. To help troubleshoot, what is your geographic location - and who is your satellite service provider? And is there a working (rotatable) POL scale on the backside of the dish, or are you limited to setting POL by rotating the TRIA?

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Eric Johnston
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Reply #2 - Sep 22nd, 2010 at 11:33pm  
I think my polarisation is wrong

If you have a feed horn with 505 on its throat, the 505 must be exactly away from the feed support arm under all circumstances.  Turn the entire dish to set the polarisation.  The beam remains pointed in the same direction, at the satellite, while you rotate the entire dish all the way round.  If, instead, you have turned the feed horn (type 505) to adjust the polarisation then your polarisation performance (cross-pol isolation) will always be bad and you will both suffer and cause interference from and to other services operating in the opposite polarisation transponder on the same satellite.  Your receive interference my be continuous or intermittent.  The interference you cause to other services will be intermittent - only when you transmit, e.g, mouse click. or sending a file.

my signal strength is 83, i had it peaked to 91, but it dropped as soon as i attached the TX cable.

Two ideas:
1. You maybe moved the dish pointing slightly, in which case repeak it.  Your receive side will probably be still working fine with the signal quality reduced to 83, but since your transmit beam is narrower than your receive beam your transmit signal may not be received reliably at the hub. If your transmit path is failing this will give symptom of slow or stop, even if your receive path is acceptable.  It is important to exactly centre the receive beam in order to get the narrow transmit beam aimed well.
2. The outer braid sheath connection of the transmit cable is poor connection, either at the BUC plug or at the modem plug.  Inspect the F plugs and maybe test with DC ohms meter that the outer of each plug is connected to the braid screen sheath. A poor connection will result in the BUC DC power returning via the LNB cable at making LNB voltage low.   [b]Always power OFF at the mains power wall switch before doing any work on the coax cables.

Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: Sep 23rd, 2010 at 6:38am by Eric Johnston »  
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Reply #3 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 3:10am  
If your polarization was wrong, you wouldn't receive a signal at all. But you may have the TRIA itself (Transmit/Receive Integrated Assembly) put together wrong. To help troubleshoot, what is your geographic location - and who is your satellite service provider? And is there a working (rotatable) POL scale on the backside of the dish, or are you limited to setting POL by rotating the TRIA?


My location is long 65, lat 31.  FOB wilson, near KAF.  My provider is WAFA, and if by working POL scale on back of the dish you mean are there 4 bolts i can loosen on the back of the dish to rotate the whole dish with a scale on it, then yes.

Right now i have the pol set by rotating the TRIA, but apparently that is not the ideal way to do it.
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Eric Johnston
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Reply #4 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 8:32am  
If you have the feed horn with the 505 on its throat, then this part must always be oriented so that the 505 is directly away from the feed support arm.  The feed horn has a lump on the side nearest the feed support arm and inside are 3 mode generating slots which cause some deliberate cross-polarisation effect and this is designed to exactly cancel the cross-pol effect caused by having the feed offset from the centre line of the big reflector.  It is called a mode-matched feed.  The result is an antenna with superior cross-pol performance. It avoids having to have a sub reflector (e.g. gregorian or cassegrain).

You may attach the TRIA (filter, LNB, BUC) to the feed horn only at certain angles. Any will do fine, although it is common to have the filter/LNB arm is directly away from the feed support arm, in which case set your receive polarisation start position like this:
 Vertical start position - Rotate entire dish so that the feed arm is at a side, either side will do.
 Horizontal start position - Rotate entire dish so that the feed arm is at the top or bottom, either will do.
Then apply the adjustment amount, +ve is clockwise, as viewed from behind the dish.  It is the amount of adjustment that matters not the scale reading which may go backwards from 90. Go an extra +3 deg for Eutelsat satellites.  As you rotate the entire dish the beam remains pointed in the same direction, at the satellite.

Best regards, Eric
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« Last Edit: Sep 23rd, 2010 at 3:02pm by Eric Johnston »  
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Reply #5 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 4:32pm  
ok, i rotated the feed horn back to te position where the 505 was directly opposite of the feed support arm.  With the feed support arm at the bottom of the dish.  i then rotated the dish counterclockwise, moving the feed arm to the right side, 34 degrees.  this gave me a signal strength of 90 up from 83.

Now, it seems that every other web page i go to times out, and yahoo kicks me off before i can send a message.

A few things ive noticed while looking thru the modems settings.  I do not have the option to set my recieve LNB type to "universal" on the drop down, only pure.  everything ive read on this site so far has led me to believe with my LNB (part number 1501882-0002 ), i need a different config file to get that setting.  could this be the cause of my problems? if so where do i get a new config file.

Secondly, what DNS is my modem using? as far as i can tell it is using  is this correct? is there a secondary dns?

my esn is 1847286
the SN is x1aj6k00000000616g

any help is greatly appreciated...its frustrating because i can tell the system is not operating at its full potential.


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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #6 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 6:17pm  
Both issues should be addressed to WAFA. The web page problem might be timeouts due to packet loss. Have you done any meaningful PING testing. If you can document such packet loss, I'd ask WAFA to observe your transmitter isolation, and to assist in directing you to correct as required.

You'll have to ask them also for the appropriate DNS address(es). Having said that, have you tried one of the public DNS addresses? See . Try to select one that is as close as possible to your NOC. That will avoid unnecessary backhauling (which also affects web page loading).

In my opinion, changing LNBs would do nothing to alleviate web browser problems.

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USN (Ret)
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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #7 - Sep 23rd, 2010 at 11:07pm does appear to be a DNS at Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

This may just about work, but it is wholly unsuitable as it it much too far away.   Every DNS access you make (a few times per web page) has to go all the way to California and back - no wonder there are problems.

You need a pair of DNS servers at the HX teleport.  Try setting your PC network interface to "get DNS automatically".

If it still goes back to then ask WAFA to resolve the problem.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #8 - Sep 24th, 2010 at 4:03am  
I just want to say thank you for all the help so far.  you guys have been great.

I just have a few more questions.

My PC is set to get DNS automatically, but it keeps pulling from the HX50 modem.  how do i change the DNS on the modem? or do i just configure the DNS on my PC to use the DNS i want.

Next question.  About the SBC.cfg file.  its the same question as before.  i do not have the"universal" option on my drop down, only Pure.  does this mean i have the wrong CFG file, and if so, where do i get a different one.

Thanks again for all the help so far!

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Ex Member
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Reply #9 - Sep 24th, 2010 at 5:40am  
Hey ooze,

you should have recieved a config file from wafa, you have to upload it from the advanced settings, setup, same with the dns info. The dns numbers you should be using are, , you also have to setup your gateway address as well, I do have a question for you, i contacted thier support, they insist that i keep the dish at 0 degrees and move the buc to 38 degrees taking the clamp off. They also have me pointing to W7 36E and to point the dish in the eastern direction. Is that where yours is, the rest in my lsa are all pointing west. I"m in LSA 1 if you want to look at the config file for the hughes modem, i'm the only one in the lsa that has two dishes up, soon to be pointing in the wrong direction from everyone else. I'm still having trouble with locking on to the sat, can't get above 75 on the sat meter
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Reply #10 - Sep 24th, 2010 at 6:58am  

we did, but i was not there when my buddy uploaded the stuff, and i think the file was the wrong one, but i dont have anyway to check it other than doing a factory reset and re-loading the file myself, which im half tempted to do anyway.

as far as pointing, we are on a azimuth of 225ish and pointing to the w7 36e as far as i know.  When we had the buc rotated to 38 degrees, the signal strength peaked at 83, when i rotated the dish after putting the buc back to 0, we got 91.

this morning i hooked up a router and told the router to use openDNS as the primary and secondary dns servers.  i looked thru every menu option i could access on the HX50 itself and could not find a place to input DNS.  Ill try the 2 you just gave me on the router tonight if it gives me any more issues.    In the mornings, the thing is crazy fast and stable, after 1700 things start to get ugly.  Im hoping it was just a DNS issue, which i suppose makes sense if it was trying to access googles public dns durring peak times.

If you want to see how we got ours pointed, angles and all that jazz, we are on LSA 3 (or LSA Performance), tent B2. durring the day we are at the EMS shop in the 526 motor pool.

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Eric Johnston
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Posts: 2109
Reply #11 - Sep 24th, 2010 at 1:43pm  
In the mornings, the thing is crazy fast and stable, after 1700 things start to get ugly.

Could be:
Daily FAP traffic limit reached
Dish mispointed
Cross-pol interference starting
Local interference starting

For HX W7 satellite, you may input the following manually to your PCs:  (as told in posting above) is intended for users on T11 satellite

I don't understand why you are getting If your PC is set to "Get DNS automatically" and there is no router between the HX modem and your PC then the must be coming via the HX modem.  The HX modem gets such DNS information from the teleport hub configuration.  I have spoken with Bentley Walker about this and they will investigate.
With a wrong (far away) DNS it is possible that your service starts to degrade when the transatlantic connection to the California Google DNS server get busy. It would be interesting to know if using the correct DNSs makes any improvement ?.

Fair access policy (FAP) limit reached
Since the service is fast in the morning and degrading after 5pm I wondered if this was due to the daily traffic amount exceeding the limits. I investigated and this site is not restricted now and was not restricted during yesterday.
You can see your FAP status yourself.
Go to this web page:
Select "Go to Current HX FAP State"
Under  "Get Current FAP Status"
Enter serial number "1847286   (This is also called esn)
Select W7 satellite.
The result is the number of Mbytes and whether or not this currently exceeds the limit for the current time period.
also, you may see your historical FAP details.
Select "Get Historic FAP Details"
Enter your site code. e.g. BHX12345
Select date
The result is the number of Mbytes etc.
Check your historical traffic records to see if slowing down occured on those days (if any) when your traffic exceeded the limit.

Dish pointing
If the dish is not pointed exactly at the satellite and the satellite is part way down the side of the beam, e.g. -2 dB on receive then, with the daily small movement of the satellite the transmit beam, which is narrower than the receive beam, may lose conenction.  This problem arises when, at installation, the objective has been simply to get a very good receive signal. Outlink carrier powers are generally far higher (e.g. 6 dB or 4 times) the power than necessary for operation in clear sky conditions so excellent receive performance is achieved over a wide range of dish pointing. What needs to be understood is that it is important to get the dish pointed to the centre of this range, to get the transmit beam pointed acceptably and also so the system will continue to work normally during moderate rain.  The symptom of a mispointed dish is a slightly low clear sky signal measurement and gradual degradations every 12 or 24hrs when the satellite moves to the extremes of its tiny ellipse or figure of 8.  The daily satellite movement is very small (+/-0.15 deg) and normally remains within the -0.5 dB contour of your antenna beam, so you don't notice it.

Intermittent Cross-pol interference
If your polarisation isolation is poor then you receive signals from the other polarisation also.  If the cross-pol signals are constant then your interference is constant.  Cross pol signals may be intermittent, e.g. daily TV news feed, new service starting or TDMA, in which case you may suffer interference daily, starting on some particular date or repeating every several seconds.
Regarding polarisation setting.  If you have a feed horn without "505" on it then you may operate the dish with the feed arm at the bottom and turn the feed horn/ORU in its yoke to set the polarisation. A plain horn, without 505 on it, is symmetrical circular and you may turn it at any angle and it makes no difference.  The horn marked "505" with taper tube, is not symmetrical circular and must always have the "505" directly away from the feed support arm and the fat lump and 3 internal slots towards the feed arm.

Intermittent Local interference
May be due to nearby radar, motors/switches, neon signs and, in C band, from terrestrial wireless internet services which operate in the lower part of the 4 GHz band. Does any kind of electrical service start at the same time as your service deteriorates.  Does your signal quality go down suddenly ?

Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: Sep 25th, 2010 at 10:09pm by Eric Johnston »  
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 837
Kentucky (USA)
Reply #12 - Sep 24th, 2010 at 7:29pm  
dont have anyway to check it
Not true. Open the file with Notepad, save it to a .txt file, then email it to Eric for posting here. Between us, we can pretty much tell if your using the wrong SBC file.


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USN (Ret)
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Reply #13 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 4:52pm  
this is the config file im using.



Fallback.bin Creation Date [Release #]:  Oct 17 2008, 14:23:44 []
Current Software Image Executing:        Main.bin
Creation Date [Release #]:               Aug  7 2009, 16:07:19 []
NAT Status:                              Disabled
DHCP Server Status:                      Enabled on Lan1
Firewall Status:                         Disabled
VSAT Zipcode:                            2153
Parameter                                Value entered     Value in use
--------------------------------------   --------------    ------------
VSAT Return Path:                        Inroute           Inroute       
Satellite Longitude in degrees:          36                36            
Satellite Hemisphere:                    East              East          
VSAT Longitude in degrees:               65                65            
VSAT Longitude in minutes:               26                26            
VSAT Longitude Hemisphere:               East              East          
VSAT Latitude in degrees:                31                31            
VSAT Latitude in minutes:                35                35            
VSAT Latitude Hemisphere:                North             North         
Satellite Channel Frequency:             19582 (x 100Khz)  19582 (x 100Khz)
Receive Symbol Rate:                     9000000  Sps      9000000  Sps
Receive Polarization:                    Vertical          Vertical      
Transmit Polarization:                   Horizontal        Horizontal    
LNB 22KHz Switch:                        Off               Off            
DVB Mode:                                DVB-S2-ACM        DVB-S2-ACM    
Frequency Band / Modulation:             Ku / QPSK         Ku / QPSK      
DVB Program Num for User Data:           20500             20500         
DVB Program Num for DNCC Data:           40000             40000         
LAN1 IP Address:                  
LAN1 Subnet Mask:              
LAN2 IP Address:                       
LAN2 Subnet Mask:                     
IP Gateway IP Address:         
SDL Control Channel Multicast Address:      
VSAT Management IP Address:       

also, in the manual commissioning screen, dynamic routing is set to off.
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USN - Retired
YaBB Moderator

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Kentucky (USA)
Reply #14 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 6:02pm  
Where did you get that file? Note about 2/3 of the way down where it says
That translates to a North American SBC file that's now over 2 years old. Oct 17 2008, 14:23:44 [] is a superceded version, since replaced in North America by

I can see that someone made a modification to it "Aug  7 2009, 16:07:19 []". It may or may not have been done by WAFA, I'm not sure how to determine that (Eric?). But even then, it's now over a year old.

I'm also interested to note that NAT service is "disabled". Here in North America, we have no choice whatsoever in the fact that we're pretty much permanently behind a HughesNet NAT server. Either this is an error in your file, or WAFA doesn't actually use a NAT server. Again, I defer to Eric.

There's more, but let's examine the above before moving on. Are you ever in direct contact with WAFA at all? Or do they just provide hardware, and subsequently leave you to your own devices?

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Eric Johnston
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Reply #15 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 6:24pm  
Greg, I am also have my doubts about these files and their origin.

I would recommend that Bentley Walker supply WAFA with SBC.cfg files that work for all of the HX networks hubbed out of Europe and that the LNB menu is edited to incorporate references to all types of LNBs used in Middle East, Africa, Europe and South America. Maybe  something like this:


The important result is that what the customer sees in the pull down menu can be related to the lable on their LNB.

Best regards, Eric.
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Reply #16 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 7:26pm  
thats the file that was on the CD that came with the modem.  I havent contacted wafa directly yet, but i guess ill need to if that file is the wrong one.

on a side note, is there any software i can download, and install on all computers that will be using the sattelite, so that i can monitor, throttle, and other wise manage bandwidth usage from one machine?
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USN - Retired
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Reply #17 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 8:11pm  
monitor, throttle, and other wise manage bandwidth usage from one machine?
Yeah, but this is not really the place to expect meaningful help on that particular topic. What you're gonna need is the kind of software that's used in internet cafes

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USN (Ret)
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Eric Johnston
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Reply #18 - Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:51pm  
Regarding the SBC.cfg file.  

It is interesting to see what is there, but as the modem works fine there is no need to fix it.

In this case  22kHz tone=OFF with type 1501882-0002 LNB works fine.

It works fine, so don't fix it.

The reason for finding out more is only to help others in the future.

Maybe it would be better in future if there was an LNB in the pull down list with text="Universal 1501882-0002"

If anyone wants to play with an HX 50, and risk problems, I would like to know if the LNB description text string to the left of the = sign in the SBC.cfg file may contain spaces or decimal points. Also, what is the max number of characters that will fit in the pull down menu box ?

Note that you can download turbo accelleration software from BW to your PCs that will interact with similar software at the HX hub and compress text and images on the fly in both directions.  Set the quality to low and it will be really fast.  Set to high quality only when you want high image quality. Try to get all your PCs loaded and encourage the users to use the software in low resolution mode unless otherwise needed.

Best regards, Eric.

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« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2010 at 11:35am by Admin1 »  
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USN - Retired
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Reply #19 - Sep 26th, 2010 at 8:51pm  
It is interesting to see what is there, but as the modem works fine there is no need to fix it.
As you may already know, SBC is an acronym for Satellite Based Commissioning. Technically the file only comes into play during installation/reinstallation/refurbishment. The concept is that the SBC file generates an accurate set of drop down lists to be presented during Setup, for the purpose of eliminating the need to manually input satellite parameter data. It is the responsibility of the satellite service provider to keep this file current with data specific to their service.

Don't know who is responsible for the SBC file posted above, but it's sloppy work - pure and simple. And it's a shame too, because it's so simple to edit. Eric, I have to assume that you either have - or are in a position to obtain - a HX type modem. I suggest that you copy that SBC to NotePad, then edit in the exact changes you just described. Save it as a sbcABCmmddyy.cfg file, then upload it to your test modem. Assuming correct data input, note that the info you wanted to see, is now displayed in the appropriate dropdown.

I've done the same thing myself, in that - even though I've been on this satellite/transponder for years- Hughes has never seen fit to include it in the dropdown list. So I just edited/renamed the SBC file to include my specific parameters, and now don't have to enter them manually if/when running Setup.

As such - if someone could get ahold of a Hughes data input template (BW perhaps?) - it should be dead simple to come up with a much more regionally specific SBC file than the one copied off that WAFA disc .

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