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jobs in Brisbane GSM backhaul with iDirect n SCPC

(Read 3046 times)
Ex Member
Ex Member

Nov 28th, 2010 at 9:26am  
Someone please help me to find satellite communication job vacancies in Brisbane or nearby. I have got 3+ experience in satellite transmission for GSM backhaul. I have gained skills in operating and maintaining iDirect Satellite Hub system 15000 series and iDirect 3000 series satellite router, C-band SCPC circuits for G. 703, IP, HSSI, Quad E1s and fractional E1 configuration. I have done installtion of upto 3.7m Prodlin and Andrew VSAT antennas, its CPI testing and acceptance test with the bandwidth provider and lots other stuffs. I hope someone could find me useful for the jobs that they have in their form.
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