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Internet not working, US Soldiers need help

(Read 3889 times)

Posts: 2
May 8th, 2011 at 9:23am  
Hello Forum- I am in Baghdad, Iraq and we had to move our location (on base).  Issue is we had to move our Viasat Internet Dish and we have no idea what satelite we were using. We know it came from Saudia Arabia called Waslah Communications. The people who set it up are gone and we have no contact with them.. We have no idea how to aim it or anything,  I hope someone can please help us!!
Thank you in advance for your help!!
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - May 8th, 2011 at 10:35am  
First, an important warning: Do NOT get the transmit and receive cables crossed over - it will burn out the modem.

What you should have done, to move the dish a short distance:

Do not rotate the polarisation (transmit/receive radio assembly in the yoke).
Do not alter elevation angle adjuster (up / down).
Measure the actual elevation angle of the dish, or any convenient metal part, using an inclinometer or plumb line.
Carry the dish carefully to the new location.
Set the new pole upright and check the measured elevation angle is the same as before. The clamp screws to the pole may achieve slight adjustment.
Now simply swing the dish boldly sideways across a wide angle in the general azimuth direction of the satellite. You should find the satellite on the first swing. Peak up.

Consider moving it back where it was and getting it working there again. The old pole may be tilted slightly. There may be scratch marks or corrosion marks etc that will help you line it up exactly as it was. Then follow procedure above to move to the new site.

Detection of the wanted satellite is slow flashing, then fast flashing, then solid green. Read out the signal quality by typing command tcmp 20 times. Adjust till QPSK BER is minimum (about 0.0002).  To save your fingers try tcmp -repeat which gives a new readout every few seconds. Watch to get a visual/mental average.

If you get the receive side working, solid green and good BER but the transmit does not work then you need to find the service provider and restart the subscription.

If you can readout the configuration pconf and put it here someone may recognise with satellite/service provider it belongs to. It is not secret, all sites in the network display the same information and have exactly the same configuration.

Best regards, Eric.

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Reply #2 - May 11th, 2011 at 11:44am  
we have aimed as best as we can with a magnetic compus to sat 85E, and still only getting a slow flashing light on the Recievive signal, nothing at all on the transmit signal.

Any Ideas???

Thank you so much
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #3 - May 11th, 2011 at 3:48pm  
You have found a satellite.  I suggest you peak up and see what is the lowest QPSK BER that you can get, e.g. 0.0004 using tcmp command.

Measure and note the exact azimuth and elevation angles on the mount. Measure and mark with scratches etc so you can always quickly get back to this starting satellite it you need to go looking for others.

Please clarify your azimuth compass angle.  You say 85E.  There are no satellites in that direction from Iraq.
You should be aimed somewhere lower down towards south east or south west, or high up towards south.  You need to aim in the same direction as was the dish at its previous location.

What does your pconf command say ?

What is the MAC address on the back of the modem e.g. 00 00 1F   03 76 FF   ?  Please send this by private email to me with the MAC address off the back of the modem.  I will ask WAFA and Bentley Walker if they know what to network your modem belongs.

Best tregards, Eric
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« Last Edit: May 12th, 2011 at 10:28am by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 16
Reply #4 - Jul 4th, 2012 at 2:08pm  

contact me at if you need VSAT service in the middle East or Afghanistan.

We can do installations.

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