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Tooway Activation Error!!!

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Posts: 6
Jul 14th, 2011 at 8:38pm  
Tooway self activation portal screen.

Tooway self activation screen - activation.

Note "internal error" message.

Tooway basic status display screen

Tooway ViaSat Surfbeam Modem and IF cable status

Tooway TRIA (Ka band transmit/receive integrated assembly) status

Why "internal error" message (in second image above) ?

Why am I unable to activate using my activation code ?

Any ideas why please ?
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Posts: 23
Reply #1 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 9:11am  
You may be pointing at the wrong satellite. I'm assuming that as you are activating it yourself that you have self-installed and selected the correct spot-beam. I did this a few weeks ago and at first I couldn't get the "beeps". I had a rant at Bentley Walker (I have a bad habit of ranting first and thinking later) and they were perplexed. Then I got beeps (I don't think I had allowed the modem to go through all its stuff the first time) and I set up and achieved a sig noise ratio of about 9.5 - 11.0. The system activated ok. A bit later, maybe a day, the system stopped working but was showing a strong SNR of 16 - 17. It dawned on me that the strong signal I was getting was probably from a different source from the one I wanted. I went through the setup more carefully (if you go back in from the start you get the beeps again). I had a lot of trouble because of the lock-nuts on the long bolt that sets the inclination of the dish. These hadn't been locked together tightly enough and I hadn't checked them. They must be tight enough to go round with the bolt otherwise the bolt turns but the dish doesn't move. It was impossible for me to lock them once the assembly was on the wall - couldn't reach 'em. I ended up heaving against the dish with my shoulder to take the weight off the bolt and then screwing the bolt until it took up the slack. I found it was hard not to move the dish when tightening the lock bolts so I took the spring washers off so that only a quarter-turn was need to go from released to tight enough for setting up for the continuous tone. Anyway, I ended up with a SNR of just over 14 and it's been ok since. So, unless someone says otherwise, this system will tell you you have a good signal but can't tell you that you are pointing at the wrong source. It's up to you to be sure the pointing is correct (which is reasonable).

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Eric Johnston
YaBB Moderator

Posts: 2109
Reply #2 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 2:54pm  
What happens if you try the 4 different beam families ?
1  Blue   RHCP
2  Orange  RHCP
3  Purple  LHCP
4  Green/Pink  LHCP

What results does each family give for your location ?

This page allows you to pinpoint your location. It gives you a blue azimuth pointing line and an elevation angle. It also shows approximate beam positions and outline shapes so you can assess the best beam type number ( 1 to 4 ) to use.
Best regards, Eric.
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« Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2011 at 5:50pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 46
Reply #3 - Jul 15th, 2011 at 2:58pm  
I think that your installation is fine ... you're getting the self-activation page which is being transmitted from the satellite. After you've clicked on the link to start the test, you get the whirling circle and then the result of the test comes up and there is another link to click on taking you to the page where you enter your code.

You're not getting that far so try unplugging your modem from the mains and then plug back in again. Your modem should sync automatically after a few minutes (you don't need to go through the pointing process again).

Then open up your browser and you should be directed automatically to the Self Activation Page ... try again with your fingers crossed.
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Reply #4 - Jul 16th, 2011 at 6:26pm  
I am sure that my modem is online. Because i can go to the activation page. The problem is i couldnt enter my activation code because the activation pace coudnt open. In pictures you can see that my modem is online. I wonder what does internal error means?? so i can solve the problem. I have two systems both of them i see same error. the coordinates are:

Latitude 40,91124  Longitude 40,1250

Latitude 40,9981 Longitude 39,6908
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Posts: 23
Reply #5 - Jul 16th, 2011 at 7:05pm  
If it doesn't get past the "checking your system" page I think that it may not be seeing enough of the correct signal.
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 11:20am by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 6
Reply #6 - Jul 16th, 2011 at 7:27pm  
If it doesn't get past the "checking your system" page I think that it may not be seeing enough of the correct signal.

In my opinion if it couldn't see enough signal, the page said that  "your signal low". On the other way my modem is always online and in the 5th picture you can see my signal level.
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 11:19am by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 6
Reply #7 - Jul 17th, 2011 at 10:07am  
if i try the other tree beams the modem coudnt be online. Only the 3th beam is makes my modem online.
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« Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2011 at 5:50pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 5
Reply #8 - Jul 17th, 2011 at 3:17pm  
Good Afternoon Sir,

The KA sat signal should be anything 15.0dB or higher, then it will automatically move on to the self activation page.

If you are still unable to reach this page, please check your IP details are all set to "automatic". You will not get redirected otherwise.

Once this has been performed and you are still unable to reach the activation page, open up a new browser (firefox) and type into the address bar.

If you are still unable to reach the activation page, it would most likely be down to the low signal. Try using a different colour beam, as the beam may be overlapping.

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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 11:31am by Admin1 »  
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1205
Reply #9 - Jul 17th, 2011 at 3:49pm  
For Latitude 40,91124  Longitude 40,1250  Try Beam type  3 or 1
For Latitude 40,9981 Longitude 39,6908 Try Beam type 3

Best regards, Eric
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 11:29am by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 34
Reply #10 - Jul 17th, 2011 at 6:46pm  
I replaced my old Ka system with the new one at the start of July.   I didn't start with the Skylogic self-activation screen.  After I had pointed the dish and the modem was happy, it didn't automatically go there either, though I believe it was expected to.   Bentley-Walker support told me to browse to 172:20:80:64, which I did.  Lo! - the self-activation screen appeared.   B-W also gave me the details to enter.   I have no idea if that works for all.

Regards,  John
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Posts: 46
Reply #11 - Jul 17th, 2011 at 7:53pm  

The KA sat signal should be anything 15.0db or higher ...
If you are still unable to reach the activation page, it would most likely be down to the low signal.  

Can I politely disagree with this? I install Tooway KaSat in the Limousin / Dordogne region of France and I typically get a SNR of between 11 and 12 dB. The Original Poster is getting over 14 dB so I can't see how it can be a dish pointing or signal problem.

Screenshot here of the page that the OP is trying to get ... and a lot less than 15dB:


Original image:

As an experiment, I tried a test on a deliberately mis-aligned dish showing an SNR of 8dB ... it still passed the test.
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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2011 at 12:05pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 6
Reply #12 - Jul 18th, 2011 at 1:25pm  
I can reach the self activation page. The problem is during the self activation. occurs an error!! It didn't say "your installation is OK" or "Your installation is not enough"

If the MAC address is not correctly registered this error can occur ?
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 3:18pm by Admin1 »  
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Posts: 6
Reply #13 - Jul 23rd, 2011 at 8:20pm  

The error caused by the Tooway co. They didn't activate the modem's MAC address. I managed to activate my system. Thanks for your ideas Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jul 24th, 2011 at 3:19pm by Admin1 »  
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