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Narrow / Wide Band iDirect router Determination

(Read 2175 times)

Posts: 1
Sep 8th, 2011 at 8:32am  
This might be a dump question. I have two iDirect 5150 routers and I was asked the question if they are Narrow or Wide band routers? I believe this is in regards to 64Kbps and 200Kbps upstream IP data rates.

I was under the impression that this only affected the 3100 series routers.

Can someone clarify this for me and if so how do determine which band the routers are configured.

Best Regards;
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Posts: 15
Reply #1 - Sep 8th, 2011 at 5:47pm  
You are correct, the NB only applies to the 3100 series remote. The 5150 is the same modem as the 5350 w/o the Mesh capability
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