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NET Light On/Off

(Read 3846 times)

Posts: 33
Guyana, SA
Oct 20th, 2011 at 3:43am  
I have an idirect 3100 IDU that has the Rx and Tx light on green, however the NET light is internmittant.

We have :
1. Swapped cables
2. changed BUCs  3watt
3. reload option file
4.changed IDUs
5. re-crimped cables

We have also worked with our hub, the latest update was that they can see out CW with SNR value of 8-10db however they are not seeing the IDU in the network. I can see the lights on the IDU all green however, we have no internet. Both the hub and myself noticed that the latency is extremely high.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Keeron Stephens
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Keeron Stephens&&IMON Wireless Solutions
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Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 11:36am  
     First thing I would check is the timing.  Ask the HUB if they will turn WAM on each of their RX cards.  Be aware that this will drop all services to other nodes on their network.

    If you come in with no issues than either your geo location is messed up or the stability on your LNB that they configured for the HUB RFT components isn't in alignment with theirs.  Hope this helps
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Reply #2 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 11:53am  
Latency is extremely high?  

Is the modem entering the network (layer 3) or not?  What about Layer 2?  Ask the hub if they see your UCPs in the Events and Conditions tab (in the control panel for your remote). If they see your UCP (and you dont have a green NET LED) then you are up layer2.  

1. Are there other remotes in this network or are you the first?

2. Is your remote (3100) hardcoded for GEO Location, or is it being fed GPS (NMEA) on console?  Have them double check the hardcode lot/long data for your node.

3.  Since a CW is possible (and visible) by controllers, are you able to put up a pn (psuedo noise) carrier in that same chunk of test MHz?  If not, you better relook your BUC (is 10Mhz bias enabled on your BUC?).  If you are able to put up a PN carrier, are you certain that your BUC is adequately sized to close link from your operating location?

4. Hub using WAM (Wide aperture mode):  This is a quick way to check timing as DLC hints to above, but it can be very disruptive to other remotes operating in the same network (read: that are using those Rx Line cards for returns to the hub). Realize that if the hub uses WAM to troubleshoot, it will likely cause interruptions/disruptions.
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Posts: 33
Guyana, SA
Reply #3 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 12:46pm  

The latency is high. What they are saying up to this morning is that this normally highlights that the buc is not getting the right amount of power, because from their side they are seeing that its muting and unmuting itself.

To answer your questions:

We are not the first on this satellite. They said they have even tried changing us to a different line card.

The GEO coordinate are hard coded.

We have multiple sites setup in and around the same area so we know for certain the 3watt buc (5037f) is sufficient.

They are asking us to trying other things at this time before they do the WAM test.


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« Last Edit: Oct 20th, 2011 at 2:40pm by Admin1 »  

Keeron Stephens&&IMON Wireless Solutions
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Posts: 16
Reply #4 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 3:02pm  
if the lights of net are off , Did you check if th modem is locked ?
Some times this happen and maybe th modem is not working fine , they can see a clean carrier if you bring up?

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Posts: 33
Guyana, SA
Reply #5 - Oct 20th, 2011 at 4:55pm  

We telnet to the modem and check used the rlock command, the modem is not locked.

It seems to be a  problem where the buc is going into and out of a muted stated. So by the time its unlocks from its muted state the data is being lost.

As mentioned, we changed bucs, modems, cables and option files.

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Keeron Stephens&&IMON Wireless Solutions
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Reply #6 - Oct 21st, 2011 at 2:31am  
You BUC is in and out of mute?  How are they (or you) able to prove/validate that?



1. What is the MODCOD of the Forward/downstream carrier?
2. Is it a DVBS2 or Infiniti carrier?
3. From Telnet, what is your Rx SNR?

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