i have received a new modem which have corrupt Linux, as it does not boot in falcon also on redboot we are not able to execute / load the linux, then i tried to recover the modem by doing the following steps but Modem still stuck on Redboot. Kindly do need full by repairing its software.
Steps performed.
Installation of Linux
1- ZImage E.xtarcted from remote_3XXX- file. 2- RedBoot> load -r -b 0x01600000 zImage 3- RedBoot> fis unlock linux 4- RedBoot> fis erase -f 0x50060000 -l 0x00100000 5- RedBoot> fis create -f 0x50060000 -l 0x00100000 -e 0x001600000 -r 0x001600000 -s 0x00100000 Linux 6- Power Recycle the modem.
Then i tried to recover the modem by installing the following packages (linux_2.4_bsp- & remote_3XXX- ) and download a good known option file through winSCP. But again i stuck on Red boot every time when modem was rebooted or power recycled.