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Difference between iDirect DVB S-2 & INFINITI

(Read 4670 times)
Adnan Nazir

Posts: 5
Apr 25th, 2012 at 6:53am  
Hello All,

I was looking all around internet for the technical difference between iDirect DVB S-2 and iDirect INFINITI hubs but i never found any technical difference but i found only the modems and router classification that DVB S-2 uses X series and INFINITI uses 31 series.

Anybody please, tell me the technical difference between these both hubs and also mention the applications diffrence.

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Adnan&&VSAT Trainee Engineer (iDirect and SCPC)
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Reply #1 - May 12th, 2012 at 8:19pm  
Hello Adams,
The difference between infiniti and Evolution is mainly  in the outbound.
The Infiniti outbound is based on iDirect iSCPC framing and performance, using TPC encoding. The Evolution outbound is DVB-S2 compliant at both physical and link layer, here you have features like ACM,CCM, with special encoding like BCH+LDPC, leading to better efficiency.
the evolution and infiniti inbound are compatible, but evolution inbound has one additional 2D-16 states encoding which will not work in infiniti mode.
This sounds like a summary but could find more differenciation elements.
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