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Tooway Speed issues

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Senior Member

Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #200 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:24pm  
No torrents ever. We're just surfing. My kids are using spotify for music, facebook and you tube.

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Posts: 20
Reply #201 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:28pm  
sounds like there getting a lot more strict!

and your on the absolute package too ? 50 gig of use is absolutely nothing thesedays, the way technology is going etc and on demand tv etc, a 50 gb cap is something that would get you by 2 years ago, certainly not now!
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Posts: 20
Reply #202 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:29pm  
also what does your check portal state ? does it reflect the fap that's supposedly in place?
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Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #203 - Aug 9th, 2013 at 8:45pm  
The check portal is of no use to unlimited users. IT just shows a green "default" in the section that I assume would show users with a limited package what data is left.
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #204 - Aug 12th, 2013 at 3:20pm  
What on earth is going on ? My download is now worse than any ADSL provider yet 4x the cost !! This is ridiculous.

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Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #205 - Aug 12th, 2013 at 4:36pm  
You need to complain to your provider...
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #206 - Aug 12th, 2013 at 5:11pm  
I do mate, weekly, but nothing happens. Its Avonline and they are fine to talk to always refer the problem to Tooway then I hear nothing more. the speed goes up for a few days then drops like a stone again. I am going to cancel soon because its just too expensive for such a poor service. I might as well stick with ADSL. Their speeds are sub 2 Mbs but I only pay £5 a month. I just wish BT to roll out fibre to rural communities but we are not on their plans at all. It sucks !!
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Senior Member

Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #207 - Aug 12th, 2013 at 5:19pm  
I'm with avonline too... As you said, they are good on the phone. They then say they will refer to Tooway and that's the end of it.

Avonline. If you are reading this, people are unhappy with you and your service. There is a total lack of information coming out of your company. YOU have very unhappy customers. People searching for reviews on Tooway and or Avonline will see these threads and question your customer service and will eventually choose to go elsewhere.
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #208 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:43pm  
Well surprise, surprise Avonline called me today saying it was in response to my emails. However I sent them a formal letter yesterday complaining about the lack of response and that I give them 22 days to resolve the issues or I will cancel ahead of contract and will cite their failure to support contracted performance levels. They said their supplier (Tooway/Skylogic) are implementing a FAP and moving heavy users onto another channel so within 1 or 2 weeks 'ordinary' users should see their download performance return to the advertised levels. I do not know if that is all true but I will watch with interest.
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Senior Member

Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #209 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 6:26pm  

Thats very old news. That was meant to have been implemented over a month ago. I think Avonline have palmed you off with old news....
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #210 - Aug 17th, 2013 at 7:14am  
oh well, then in 21 days I cancel Sad
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Posts: 1
Reply #211 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 7:54am  
I have been with Tooway for a couple of years and have been very pleased with the service up until a few weeks ago.  I am in Cyprus on Spot 46. In the evening my download speed now drops from the advertised 20 MB to less than 3 MB.  I have raised a ticket with Tooway and after much to and fro the best answer they have come up with is :

We are aware that over the last few weeks some Tooway customers may have seen lower peak speeds on their service than they were previously enjoying.

Whilst we as an ISP, and Eutelsat as the satellite owner and network operator strive hard to ensure that we offer the best possible service to all end users, Tooway is a 'best endeavour' service. Tooway operates on a regional beam basis, and the success of the service means that the beam that covers your location is understandably busier than it was when the satellite was first launched. This means at peak times, the network is not as 'fast'
as it was, although overall peak advertised speeds are still being achieved.

Very recently the network has also been subject to a number of abusive users, consuming disproportionately high volumes of data, and this has reduced overall speeds further. The Eutelsat Management and Technical Team are working very hard to minimise the impact of this small number of users on the majority, and work to improve this is ongoing although we have no specific date as to when it will be completed.

We believe Tooway still offers a great service, far better than the alternatives like dial-up or 3G, and we hope that over the next few weeks you will see the overall performance improve. We can understand that you may find this open ended time line unacceptable and if so, please contact us to discuss the options of releasing you from your contract.
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #212 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 9:09am  
Thanks for the informative update Ian. I would stay with Avonline(Tooway) with a somewhat reduced service if the monthly fees were adjusted to take into account the degradation unfortunately that will not happen and I cannot justify to myself why we should pay the same monthly charge for a service running less than 50% of that I was promised. I just hope they do improve the service quickly or I will have to go back to the dreaded (but cheap) ADSL  Sad
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Senior Member

Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #213 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 6:27pm  
Well I hate to say it but i think im going to be leaving Tooway. Avonline called me today and have agreed that I can terminate my contract early without penalty.
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Posts: 1
Reply #214 - Aug 26th, 2013 at 8:37pm  
I as we are all being conned by Tooway can I suggest that we all cancel our contracts on the basis that we are not getting what we signed upto.
Maybe they will then return us to full speed that was dropped to almost dial-up speed over night. Without consultation or compensation just so they can have more bandwidth to sell to Other unsuspecting customers
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Posts: 1
Reply #215 - Aug 29th, 2013 at 6:02pm  
I have been having problems with SkyDSL Tooway in Spain (a German based provider).  Their only solution is to tell me to upgrade.  If they can only provided 25% of the bandwith contracted, then this would be a foolish thing to do in my opinion.  For interest, there are consumer protection bureaus run by the EU for purchase of services between EU countries i.e. you have to live in a different EU country to the provider.  I can provide web link.  I don't expect results but it seems to me that these satellite isp resellers are not making it clear that they do not guarantee any level of service and this is a consumer protection issue.  I have also complained to the German consumer protection agency (also can provide web link).  I moved from a wide area wireless network (on a business tariff at 1Mb) to this service since I retired and I was getting better performance on the wireless network!
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Senior Member

Posts: 78
Valencia, Spain
Reply #216 - Aug 30th, 2013 at 5:41am  
Where are you living in Spain Estapar. I am in Valencia and use Tooway 8. Apart from the latency, which is apparently bad with all sat systems, my service is OK.
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Hipolito Gonzalez
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Posts: 105
Reply #217 - Aug 30th, 2013 at 12:22pm  
Estepar where are you living? I am in the south without speed problems.
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Posts: 24
Reply #218 - Sep 13th, 2013 at 8:31pm  
How is the tooway system running now what sorts of speed are you all getting
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #219 - Sep 14th, 2013 at 4:09pm  
I am getting 2-3Mb downloads and have been for nearly 3 months. My supplier Avonline keeps telling me it will improve but it hasn't so I sent them a letter yesterday cancelling. Its just too expensive for very low ADSL like speeds.  Sad
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Reply #220 - Sep 14th, 2013 at 5:38pm  
I just did this calculation (I hope it is right !)

Assuming monthly allowance of 30 Gbytes...

Time per day
spent               Speed
downloading         bit/sec
(minutes)           while downloading
  7                   20,408,163
 15                   9,523,810
 60                   2,380,952
120                   1,190,476
180                   793,651

2 to 3 Mbit/s is a plausible figure if you do downloading for 60 minutes per day.

If you are in a location where terrestrial options are non-existent or poor, then satellite internet connection is a last, and expensive option.  Tooway claims peak speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s but anyone considering such service needs to understand that the same satellite capacity is shared with many other customers and limits on monthly download amounts apply.  Average speeds will be lower than 20 Mbit/s and may be very much lower during congestion.

Best regards, Eric.
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Posts: 24
Reply #221 - Sep 14th, 2013 at 6:18pm  
Thanks for the info have you used the new SES Broadband KA system via 28.2e ?

I can get 4g here but the data cap is £30 for 10gig

I just did this calculation (I hope it is right !)

Assuming monthly allowance of 30 Gbytes...

Time per day
spent               Speed
downloading         bit/sec
(minutes)           while downloading
  7                   20,408,163
 15                   9,523,810
 60                   2,380,952
120                   1,190,476
180                   793,651

2 to 3 Mbit/s is a plausible figure if you do downloading for 60 minutes per day.

If you are in a location where terrestrial options are non-existent or poor, then satellite internet connection is a last, and expensive option.  Tooway claims peak speeds of up to 20 Mbit/s but anyone considering such service needs to understand that the same satellite capacity is shared with many other customers and limits on monthly download amounts apply.  Average speeds will be lower than 20 Mbit/s and may be very much lower during congestion.

Best regards, Eric.

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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #222 - Sep 15th, 2013 at 10:41am  
Yes useful info Eric, can't comment on the accuracy of your calculation unfortunately  Smiley. I am an extremely light user, just  occasional but daily browsing, email etc. I might download one film a month, usually overnight. ADSL in my immediate area is dire at sub 2Mb but is dirt cheap. Happy to pay for 20Mb if I get it but that is rare. Unfortunately there are no immediate or long term plans to upgrade ADSL to FFTC so I am stuck. It will affect house prices here ultimately I think.
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #223 - Sep 16th, 2013 at 7:26pm  
For first time, my internet is to slowly today, is usable but is very bad, page not completed, impossible to watch videos... Grrrrrrrrr
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Posts: 6
Reply #224 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 11:36am  
Hi Everyone!

I was hoping for my first post to be more positive, but unfortunately, it won't be. 2 weeks ago I ordered an unlimited Tooway service via Quantis. I waited, and waited, and waited, and finally a technician came over yesterday to install it.

The installer did everything right, but the initial speed tests showed a 1-second peak bandwidth of 20Mbps followed by 1-4Mbps afterwards. He said it wasn't right, and began to replace every single element of the installation: TRIA, sat cable, sat modem, eth cable... but nothing helped.

He called Quantis and was told there's some sort of "global problem" at the moment. I said I would not sign the papers until the service works as advertised. We kept testing and it was going worse and worse with every passing hour, hitting rock bottom at 0.7Mbps (!) of download speed in the afternoon.

My question to you is: is there really a "global temporary issue" or is this what I would have to expect on a regular basis? I live in south of Spain, near Guadiaro (San Roque). Tooway is very popular here, because of lack of infrastructure.

If it doesn't improve, I will refuse to sign the paperwork, ask them to take the kit away and give me back my sign up fee (luckily paid with cc, so I can always call my bank and charge it back!).
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #225 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 12:56pm  
Hello my friend.
I am very close to you, in Fuengirola (50 miles away) and my system now is Ok, in about 4 month very fast for me, just two or three times with few problem, but in general, the system is good is the Spot Beam is not over reselled. Our Spot Beam is good now (we are in the same spot) and my customers in Marbella (with tooway) are happy too until today. Yesterday my speed test was about 25 Mbps.

Maybe, is a problem with the antenna align.

I have 5 customers with tooway from Fuengirola to San Pedro de Alcantara without problem, just occasionally like two days ago
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Posts: 6
Reply #226 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 1:33pm  
Hi, Friend.

I've been testing this issue heavily, not only using the official speedtest, but also against my own datacenters (I run a few of these in EU and US). Here are my conclusions:

1) This has nothing to do with the "last mile" (which in our case is 70,000 km long). The satellite uplink works perfectly fine. You can tell by looking at the upload stats / packet loss - these direction is not affected.

2) It is not a "problem" at all. This is simply a poorly implemented QoS and it happens outside of the satellite link. From my observation, it seems like the formula for this QoS is:
- only affect ingress traffic,
- initially, let a small transmission of around 5MB go through with full speed,
- afterwards, cut the line's bandwidth to a value, which changes across 24hours (and probably depends on network load).
I worked with traffic shaping a lot back in the days, and I can tell you this is the cheapest and easiest way for them to implement. Unfortunately, it's also the crappiest one for the customers.

3) This is something done intentionaly by the ISP. I don't know why they decided to do it like this, but my guesses are:
- they are running out of regular bandwidth at their exchanges,
- they are trying to preserve the satellite bandwidth to fit in more customers (money, money, money).

Anyway, I'm afraid I'll have some bad news for the installer. He'll have to take the equipment back, and I will probably have to move away from this beautiful region of Spain (no fiber, no ono, simply nothing: a technological desert).  Cry
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Senior Member

Posts: 78
Valencia, Spain
Reply #227 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 7:00pm  
I'm in Valencia and on Tooway8. Should be getting 8 download and 2 upload.

Last Result:
Download Speed: 7717 kbps (964.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 2044 kbps (255.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 760 ms
Jitter: 9 ms
Packet Loss: -1%
18 September 2013 19:57:58
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Posts: 6
Reply #228 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 7:14pm  
@pladecalvo: are you on unlimited plan?
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Senior Member

Posts: 78
Valencia, Spain
Reply #229 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 7:30pm  
No. I have 8mb per month limit
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Posts: 6
Reply #230 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 7:41pm  
But in terms of total bandwidth - are you limited or capped at some amount - like 25GB?
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #231 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 8:58pm  
I am in the unlimited plan. I know about the QoS and yes, is the cheapest way.

My month start on 11 of each month, since 11 my usage is about 30 GB and my speed is full. Now I Did a test and I got 19.78 down and 5.2 up

Whatis your usage in the last 5 days?

Please , write me, I will try to find for you another solution in your area. Thank you
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Posts: 6
Reply #232 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 9:52pm  
I am on Unlimited from Quantis, in the last day it was 1GB in total, 99% of which was speedtests from their official website.

I've just emailed the installation company (Implantacion Digital) asking them to take this away from me. Download speeds were around 0.8-1.2 Mpbs in the last 24 hours.
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Senior Member

Posts: 78
Valencia, Spain
Reply #233 - Sep 19th, 2013 at 6:02am  

My download cap is 8GB per month.
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Reply #234 - Sep 19th, 2013 at 9:16am  
Then I'm guessing capped plans are excluded from QoS...
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Senior Member

Posts: 56
Reply #235 - Oct 1st, 2013 at 10:31am  
Enough's enough.

After the past few weeks of sub 1Mbps connectivity I have cancelled my Tooway with Bentley Walker. The service is clearly (still) suffering considerably and is simply no longer good value for money.

I was on the unlimited service and have been a customer for 2.5years but the past few months have been awful. I am going back to ADSL on a c. 1Mbps circuit - at least it was a consistent 1Mbps unlike tooway that was giving me a speed in the evenings that varied between 10kbps-400kbps and rarely peaking over 4Mbps. £65pcm vs £15 speaks for itself.

Thanks for everyone's contribution and testing to validate my original concerns over performance.

I'll keep an eye on the system and should skylogic sortout the bandwidth/capacity issues then I'd give it a second go.

For the rest of you - one less customer congesting the limited bandwidth - win/win!


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Posts: 24
Reply #236 - Oct 16th, 2013 at 4:56pm  
Are the speed issues sorted out now on tooway what sort of speeds are people getting now?
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