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A Fresh Look At Avonline

(Read 10531 times)

Posts: 25
Aug 14th, 2013 at 8:39am  
I have satisfied all conditions imposed by / suggested by Avonline.  I am within my allowance, havent downloaded 20% of monthly allowance in any one week during peak hours, I am standing on one leg and playing the bagpipes ..... but the speed is still dire, unable to stream, pages take an age to load etc

Net result - I cannot continue with Avonline and certainly would advise others not to sign up for it.

In the words of D-Rream 'Thing's can only get better worse'
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 10:44am  
Where are you my friend.
A lot of people with bad news about Tooway service.
In my spot the service is very good. I think the problem is in certains spot beams, because, I am using over 100 Gb/month and not speed reduction.
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 11:37am  
I think the fundamental problem is sales people using the expression "up to 20 Mbit/s" for service that actually comprises download carriers, each of 68 Mbit/s, with each shared by hundreds of customers.

No one seems to have developed a technical way of fair sharing this capacity according to amount paid per month and simultaneously finding a satisfactory way of explaining this that is both honest (for the customer) and tempting (for the salesman).

Selling "up to 20 Mit/s" sounds brilliant till you realise the average bit rate will not exceed 66 kbit/s for a 20 GB per 4 weeks service.

Maybe they should say that the instantaneous download bit rate is 68 Mbit/s (clear sky) but that bit rate limiters apply such that progressively lower bit rate limits apply per second, per 10 sec, per minute, per 10 minutes, per hour, per four hours, per day, per week, per 4 weeks.

Avonline, and many other companies, are only intermediary resellers of the Tooway service, which is operated and managed by Skylogic in Italy. I guess that all the resellers have the same difficulty getting information out of Skylogic. Don't be too hard on the reseller technical staff. Help them by providing plenty of information so they have evidence to support their efforts in dealing with Skylogic.

There is an old thread in this satsig forum about Tooway service that makes interesting historic reading. Read many pages at
I see that I locked that thread and stopped more additional comments, after it got rather long !
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 4:41pm  
I am with Avonline and for weeks now have suffered the same problem. Decent speed first thing in the morning (circa 19-20Mbs) which gradually deteriorates during the day to circa 5Mbs by lunch and sub 2Mbs by late afternoon. Avonline report the problem upwards but nothing happens. Really fed up with the lack of response and about to cancel the contract early due to poor performance. I am a light user but begrudge paying four times as much for Satellite when it performs just like ADSL in my area.
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Posts: 20
Reply #4 - Aug 14th, 2013 at 11:30pm  
@ roger, I too am with avonline, and experiencing what you are!
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #5 - Aug 15th, 2013 at 11:45am  
Still poor today circa 2Mb/s and still no replies to emails to Avonline. Just posted formal letter of complaint giving them 22 days to resolve speed issues or I reserve the right to cancel within contract citing their poor performance. Sad fact is I would much rather stay with a decent service but will not pay top dollar for rubbish. Lets see if the letter elicits a response.
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #6 - Aug 16th, 2013 at 4:39pm  
Well surprise, surprise Avonline called me today saying it was in response to my emails. They said their supplier (Tooway/Skylogic) are implementing a FAP and moving heavy users onto another channel so within 1 or 2 weeks 'ordinary' users should see their download performance return to the advertised levels. I do not know if that is all true but I will watch with interest.
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #7 - Sep 13th, 2013 at 1:52pm  
That's it I have had enough. I have just sent Avonline a letter of cancellation. They need to get the issue sorted otherwise more people will be walking away. I may come back if they resolve the problems but not for a while.
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