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Tooway BitTorrent Speeds low when speedtests are high - Absolute

(Read 8115 times)

Posts: 2
Aug 19th, 2013 at 10:35am  
Hello everyone.

I have a problem with Tooway Absolute. My speeds when browsing internet, watching youtube, updating apps are high (over 20/6), but when I tried to download Ubuntu from their official bittorrent the speeds are very low - 20KB/s.

When I installed HideMyAss VPN it got higher - up to 800KB/s.
Ubuntu was downloading with max speed on my other aDSL connection.

Can Tooway block P2P downloading? Is there a way to bypass it except VPN which slows down whole connection?

What can be done?

Thanks in advance!
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Posts: 129
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Reply #1 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 11:06am  
If you are in a location where the spot beam is heavily subscribed then Tooway will be filtering traffic and P2P downloads are filtered down to the bottom of the pile I'm afraid.

If you need to download for a P2P based source like you are then a VPN is the only way to mask it.

I believe legitimate sources like Linux distro manufacturers like Ubuntu can sometimes be downloaded directly because many companies will block P2P traffic through their firewalls so Linux sources nearly always have a direct download service available. It won't be their preferred download service though.
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Posts: 2
Reply #2 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 9:30pm  
I couldnt find any word about it in the contract.

It also seems that Tooway is blocking EVERY port except 80  for me. That is just...hmm, wrong when you pay so much for internet access.


I live in Poland so I dont think anyone else is so dumb to pay that much for it.
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #3 - Aug 19th, 2013 at 11:49pm  
Tooway has priority and non priority traffic. I don't know which is priority and which not. But in the faqs they always say the ping is not priority... Maybe BitTorrent is not priority either.
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Posts: 20
Reply #4 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 1:10am  
i think bit-torrenting should be completly banned on tooway,

im nearly certain this is why tooway is having issues on some of their beams, a small majorty of users are downloading and uploading hundreds of gigs of data, it only takes a small number to effect the service for everyone!
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Posts: 31
West Sussex, U.K
Reply #5 - Aug 20th, 2013 at 12:09pm  
I agree Ronan, if they cannot implement a sophisticated solution, then implement a simple one. My service is absolute rubbish.
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