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How is Tooway in the rain?,

(Read 9850 times)

Posts: 24
Oct 16th, 2013 at 4:54pm  
At the moment I have SES Ka-band satellite which is ok when it is fine but when we even have light rain I lose signal so have been looking at Tooway

Bentley Walker was kindly enough to send me a footprint map and I would be in the middle of beam 23,

Can any one who has tooway tell me what sort of RX signal they have during rain/drizzle?
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Hipolito Gonzalez
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Posts: 105
Reply #1 - Oct 16th, 2013 at 10:18pm  
I am still waiting for a powerful rain to testing it.

I am in the south Spain and we hadn't have rain yet.

Jut a medium rain about a month ago and the SNR drop from 12 to 9 but the link was good and stable.
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Hipolito Gonzalez
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Posts: 105
Reply #2 - Oct 16th, 2013 at 10:20pm  
What is your speed with SES?

Remember,bathe beam 23 in tooway is a heavy congestionated beam and a lot of people have speed issues
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Posts: 24
Reply #3 - Oct 19th, 2013 at 2:52pm  
When it is not raining I get 20mb 99.9% of the time as per this thread

But like today I can not use it as it is raining if it is a clear sky I get 7.5db of signal on the gilat aeries modem if it is heavy cloud about 4.5 db then when it rains the signal is gone,
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Posts: 78
Valencia, Spain
Reply #4 - Oct 20th, 2013 at 5:46am  
Mine is OK in all but torrential thunderstorms.
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Ex Member
Ex Member

Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2014 at 11:49pm  

Near the Northern edge of beam 19 (green, central Italy).  Yesterday was raining heavily all day;  here are some snapshots of SNR:


Today after slightly rainy start, the weather cleared up;  here some snapshots today:


Interesting that during the heavy rain, the forward SNR went right down but the return SNR was pretty much unchanged.

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Posts: 46
Reply #6 - Jan 8th, 2014 at 10:36pm  
Can any one who has tooway tell me what sort of RX signal they have during rain/drizzle?

A Tooway client sent me his modem to test ... he's registered on Beam 16 which is very weak here (I'm on Beam 15) but is just about recievable. On a rainy day, the Rx signal was just about 3dB which is considerably lower than recommended but his modem worked fine. It streamed BBC radio for 4 hours on test without any drop out or buffering.

That means the Tooway system still continues to work reasonably well in very adverse conditions. I would doubt that SES is any different and I would suggest that you look at your dish installation before going to the expense of changing suppliers.

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Posts: 541
London UK
Reply #7 - Jan 9th, 2014 at 10:09am  
Can any one who has tooway tell me what sort of RX signal they have during rain/drizzle?

A Tooway client sent me his modem to test ... he's registered on Beam 16 which is very weak here (I'm on Beam 15) but is just about recievable. On a rainy day, the Rx signal was just about 3dB which is considerably lower than recommended but his modem worked fine. It streamed BBC radio for 4 hours on test without any drop out or buffering.

That means the Tooway system still continues to work reasonably well in very adverse conditions. I would doubt that SES is any different and I would suggest that you look at your dish installation before going to the expense of changing suppliers.

Every VSAT system goes down in extreme heavy weather (Rain/Snow), just wait a few minutes and systems are back online, changing system or supplier does not help. Remember, it can be sunny at your location but heavy rain at the hub, same problem.
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