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periods when modem cannot see TRIA

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Jan 19th, 2014 at 9:43am  
I wonder if anyone has had any similar experiences of the following.  I have been a KaSat user via connexion verte in SW France since Nov 13. Self install which went well.  All ok until mid Dec when kept losing connection and modem just displays "scanning". Reboot of modem often doesn't work. Sometimes if we leave it unpowered and try later, it connects.  When in this scanning mode, if I attempt to go to the install page, the Tria does not enter its setup mode outputting tones etc. Connexion verte said change the cable which I did. The same fault persists.  Its quite random if I stay connected for 12 hiurs or 12 minutes!
Cable loss is 0.5 ohms but attenuation varies from 2 to 6 dB. I was convinced I have a faulty modem but maybe its the TRIA. Its a solid dish installation and no movement in wknd as protected.  Any ideas or advice would be appreciated.
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Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Reply #1 - Jan 26th, 2014 at 10:35pm  
In the conection process is normal to have attenuation moving in different values, after the link is stablished the attenuation must be fixed.

Have you tried with a diffenrt and short wire?
How long is your wire ?
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