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Non-official breaking news. New plans

(Read 4989 times)
Hipolito Gonzalez
Senior Member

Posts: 105
Feb 1st, 2014 at 8:56pm  
I listened some rumors about the new plans in Tooway starting in march. Actual customers retain his old plan like the "unlimited".

1.- coming a new low profile plan. 5 Mbps down si 2 GB or something like this
2.- medium profile plan. 25 GB allowance and "unlimited in the night"
3.- high profile. 100 or 125 GB plan, NOT unlimited in the night and FAP activated in about 35 or 40 GB. Price like the actual 50 GB plan.

Is not official and I am sharing the rumor. Please, won't kill me if it's not true.
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Ex Member
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Reply #1 - Feb 2nd, 2014 at 10:51am  
One of Tooway's distributors in Italy has since October 2013 been offering the following, for (effectively) 1 euro a month plus 2 euro for each day the service is used (see footnote):

8 Mbps download
2 Mbps upload

"unlimited" i.e. no fixed monthly quota, but presumably subject to FAP in some not clearly specified way

they also say, "Peer2Peer permesso dalle 23.00 alle 07.00" and "streaming sono deprioritizzati rispetto alla navigazione standard"

i.e. 'Peer2Peer' (whatever that is supposed to mean) is allowed between 23.00 and 07.00, and streaming is de-prioritized with respect to standard navigation.


Footnote:  I said "1 euro a month plus 2 euro for each day the service is used"; the actual charges are 5 euro a month plus 2 euro for each day the service is used, with two days thrown in for free, which is basically a more complicated way of saying approximately the same thing.
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