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HX50 L using 5 watt BUC

(Read 4297 times)

Posts: 20
Feb 4th, 2014 at 11:13am  

I need some info, is there any chance to using HX50L with 5 watt BUC? in HX200 i know it possible by ticking linear mode but on HX50/50L there are no option for linear/saturation mode
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Posts: 7
Reply #1 - Mar 19th, 2014 at 12:17am  
To my knowledge the HX50\HX50L\HX90 where all designed to run on a saturated transmitter only which confines it to a 2W Hughes buc. This is also limited by the power supplied from the modem to the saturated transmitter and in the modem software. While HNS does produce a 4W saturated buck its not compatable with the modems listed above. For linear radio support an HX200 platform is required, the HX200 supports a wider variety of linear bucs as well as the standard 1W\2W saturated radios and can provide an internal clock feed OR will take a 10Mhz clock feed, and supports externally power BUCs as well.
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1206
Reply #2 - Mar 20th, 2014 at 9:41pm  
The HX50 spec sheet lists only:

1 and 2 watt Ku-band
2 watt C-band
1, 2, and 3 1/2 watt Ka-band

I think they are all proprietary Hughes parts.

If you need more uplink EIRP I suggest a larger antenna.
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