Next Generation Tooway Packages from Bentley Walker
- New ‘capable’ headline speeds up to 22Mbps download
- New Uncapped Tooway Extra 100Gb
The new Tooway 2014 consumer subscriptions are now in place.
The pre-existing 2013 subscriptions will no longer be available from the 30th June 2014, so any sites that wish to alter their subscription level from that date will need to choose from the 2014 range. Any sites that are not currently in contract or moving forward disconnected for non-payment will need to select from the 2014 range to resume service. 2013 subscriptions will continue to roll-over for as long as payments are maintained.
Packages Download Speed* Upload Speed* Monthly Quota
Tooway 2GB 5Mbps 1Mbps 2GB
Tooway 10GB 22Mbps 6Mbps 10GB
Tooway 25GB 22Mbps 6Mbps 25Gb Unlimited 00.00-06.00
Tooway 100Gb 22Mbps 6Mbps 100Gb Unlimited 00.00-06.00
*Maximum capable headline rate. Fair Usage Policy applies.
When data usage in an accounting cycle is more than 100 GB, only web browsing and email will be provided and any other protocol than web browsing and email will be blocked. Here are some examples of what you will be able to do with uncapped access to web pages and email.
Send/receive emails
- Check Facebook, Twitter or Google+ news feeds
- Manage your bank account or stock portfolio
- Read news and magazine articles and pictorials
- Write a blog article, post comments, and engage in forums
- Buy and sell on your favorite online stores.
Please note this is a limited promotion up to maximum 10,000 collective activations on the Eutelsat network.
New booster options
Volume Boosters are now available in sizes of 1GB, 10GB, 50GB and 100GB
Please contact if you have any questions and we will be very pleased to assist.