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Full Coverage of Iraq now on Hylas 2 Ka band satellite - low Pricing

(Read 6088 times)
Senior Member

Posts: 134
Aug 9th, 2014 at 10:24am  
As you’re aware we have Ka band coverage on Hylas satellite Beam 1 covering right upto Baghdad region.

Now we are soon going to start Beam 2 on same Hylas 2 KA band satellite to cover all of Iraq and Cities and regions south of Iraq on Shared Ka band Services

The Service Plans and Packages will be different than from Beam 1 initially. But we will have entire range of service plans from Consumer to Professional Shared services AND also Dedicated bandwidth services.

AS a special promotion ( limited time offer) we are even offering Dedicated CIR 1:1 for the low pricing ever from anyone-  per 1Mbps, over Entire Iraq region on both Beams 1 and 2 !

We have 3 platforms operational on Ka Band: Idirect, Hughes and New Tec

Note the saving on CIR will be a minimum of 40% or higher compared to any current provider you're using . Even if change of Hardware is needed we will either subsidize the new hardware OR even offer it free ( depending on the CIR circuit size)

Please feel free to contact us with all details on

Wafa Sales Team

Images added by forum admin:

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Above: Hylas Ka band Northern Iraq beam coverage map.   Hylas Ka band Southern Iraq beam coverage map.

Above: Typical 74cm customer Ka band VSAT terminals for Hylas.
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« Last Edit: Aug 30th, 2014 at 3:39pm by Admin1 »  
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