Thank you for your contributions.
I've had a look at the SkyDSL web site and my impression is that they must be leasing bulk dedicated capacity on KA-SAT and then reselling that capacity using their own terrestrial network capacity and routers, plus hardware for extra customer benefits: "email" and "Home Space". Their web site says that "No fair use applies" and there are various options "Up to 6 Mbit/s, Up to 12 Mbit/s and Up to 20 Mbit/s". One page on their web site suggests they are trying to improve on the basic Tooway service by offering their own particular extra customer benefits.
Normal Tooway resellers all offer the same range of tariffs, which are all "up to 20 Mbit/s" services, and to which a "Network management Policy" applies. See Tooway Fair Access Policy (FAP, FUP or what have you) has changed a great deal since they started and I doubt that it has settled down even now. Initially they had multiple "Up to" speed limits, multiple Gbytes per month and a range of average speed limits with 5 minute sliding windows, per sec, per hour, per 4 hours, per day, per week etc. All too complicated. For my pennyworth, I think the best policy is: a daily Gbyte limit from 6 am - 12 midnight, with a reduction to 64kbit/s if you exceed the limit, plus a free-for-all (no FAP) regime between midnight and 6am.
One of the less advertised Tooway offerings is called "IP connect" and offers dedicated capacity both up and down. This is suitable for companies wanting to transmit TV, such as signals from sporting events, back to the studio. It might also be used by closed user groups, comprising multiple remote offices of a company, very many water pumping stations etc, where the group require dedicated capacity that they know will always be available only for them and with no risk of congestion from external causes. This could be implemented on the normal Tooway system by declaring all such traffic as top priority and limiting the per second bit rate to the composite of the one or all sites in the customer network.
Domestic Tooway service is shared. You are paying around euro 35 per month for a service that gives a bit rate of say 60 Mbit/s per 1mS, up to 20 Mbit/s per second and 30 kbit/s per month.
Dedicated capacity starts at about euro 1700 per month.
See for a good description of both the Home User and Business User tariffs. This is a reputable company.
An alternative Ka band satellite service involving small customer VSAT antennas, with coverage of Europe, Middle East and Africa is Avanti/Hylas, see regards, Eric.