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iDirect Evolution limitation

(Read 3927 times)

Posts: 1
Aug 14th, 2015 at 7:42am  
Hello all.

I have question for experts. We have iDirect sat hub and we are using 2 satellites for communication around the world.

Half a remote location using Infinity system, and half Evolution. We wanted to reduce the complete Bandwidht on a system that uses Evolution, but we were informed that the minimum bandwidth required to Evolution system work properly is 3Mbps. Infinity system has no such limitation. Is that true?
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Eric Johnston
Senior Member

Posts: 2109
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2015 at 4:57pm  
I am not an expert, but have just looked at one of the manuals.

Download: Link Budget Analysis Guide, iDX Release 2.0

Table 2 summarizes the SNR threshold required for iNFINITI downstream carriers using Evolution e8350/e800/e850mp/X5 Series Remotes and iNFINITI 3000/5000/7000/8350 Series Remotes.

The table shows the minimum symbol rate to be 64 ksps.

The bandwidth (kHz or MHz) of the carrier is approx 1.3 x symbol rate.

Be aware that the information bit rate of the carrier depends on the modulation method (e.g. QPSK= 2 bits/symbol) and FEC ratio.

Read more about symbol rate

If you want to operate low symbol rate carriers it is important that all remotes use PLL type LNBs, as DRO type LNBs may be so inaccurate in frequency that the remote receiver is unable to find the wanted carrier.
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