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Cheap Spectrum Analyzer for Field Technicians

(Read 4524 times)
buddy kaung

Posts: 3
Jan 6th, 2016 at 8:27am  
Hi SatSig members and crews,

We are small sat installer group from Asia.
We are now sourcing cheap, used spectrum analyzer for field installation technicians. Our criterias are:
1) must be cheap but usable  (since we cannot effort new/branded one  Smiley )
2) suit for field technicians and basic function such as L-band monitor and tracking(VSAT, C band ,DVB-S2) and CPI test

We search the net and found this model in ebay.
Rohde & schwarz - FSH3


Is this model suitable for our need?? Any one have experience on this one?

Is there any recommendation or suitable model for our need?

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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2016 at 11:01am by Admin1 »  
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1203
Reply #1 - Jan 6th, 2016 at 11:16am  
Note that there are three similar models. The screen image shown above is the 18 GHz version.  The ones for sale are the 3 GHz version. These are fine for measurements made at L band frequencies, such as tx/rx paths 950-2150Hz.

Clarify the model number and serial number before purchase and check the details. Some higher serial numbers have 80V rather than 50V protection on the RF input. Some model numbers have different span options.

I've only used one of these on a single occasion and I consider it very good value for money at the ebay prices.

Whatever analyser you buy, the time and effort you put in learning to use it will be most important. Practice before going to customer site !

Read the technical data sheet here:
Rohde-Schwarz Spectrum Analysers FSH3 FSH6 FSH1

A useful accessory to have is a 10dB tap or splitter with DC pass on the main path, like this:

Provide yourself with suitable male and female cables,  connectors and adaptors.

Using these accessories you can interpose yourself in either the transmit or receive path to monitor what is going on while the system is powered and working normally (less about 1dB loss due to the splitter insertion!)

Best regards, Eric
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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2016 at 4:50pm by Admin1 »  
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buddy kaung

Posts: 3
Reply #2 - Jan 7th, 2016 at 4:43am  
Yes Eric, you are right. The one we mentioned is 100ks to 3GHz model, not 18Ghz one.
Thanks for your advise and we will take care on model specific  detailed options.
I will also share review when we have one in hand,

with regards,

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Posts: 4
Phoenix AZ or Rapid City SD US
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2017 at 4:42pm  
Personally, I like the Tektronix 2715.  Available on EBay for about $1,000 US.

It has a good built-in self test to confirm working and range of freq: 9khz - 1.8Ghz.  100mw input pwr, into 75ohms.

It is a bit heavy, made for cable tv industry but very good for our L-Band measurements.  Sturdy handle hangs on basket of service truck or JLG lift.

Use care to strap it to the basket of JLG as my old JLG confuses me with a lacross ball and wants to send me flying. Smiley

The 2715 has many built-in programs that work for either CATV or L-Band VSAT. These are not included in 2714 and earlier. 
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« Last Edit: Jan 3rd, 2017 at 5:13pm by Admin1 »  
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