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CPI HPA VZU6997AC Power Arc Fault

(Read 5898 times)

Posts: 6
Oct 20th, 2016 at 11:29am  

Good Day! I just want to ask what is the possible cause of "Power Arc Fault" on the CPI HPA VZU-6997AD? The unit is working for 1 month & almost 2 weeks then it displays fault like this.

All the power lines are OK, no atmospheric disturbance during the time when the HPA displayed fault, and the unit is properly connected to the grounding.

We are looking forward for your kind help.

Thank you and best regards,
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2016 at 12:12pm  
I suggest you call one of the phone numbers here:

"AC Power Arc Fault" suggests something serious wrong in the high voltage area of the TWT power supply.

I suggest you get advice from CPI about what the alarm means and what needs to be done.

Regards, Eric.
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Posts: 6
Reply #2 - Oct 20th, 2016 at 3:24pm  
Hi Eric,

Thanks for the advice.

Best regards,
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YaBB Admin

Posts: 1208
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2020 at 7:12pm  
Ive just been reading up about a "helix arc fault" showing on a COMTECH TWTA.
The manual say that such am alarm can be due to an external arc in the waveguide, if a "waveguide arc detection" oprion is installed.
More normally the "helix arc fault" alarm can come on due to high helix current due to micro-air leaks into the tube. The alarm circuit may then reset the high voltage OFF then ON three times before it latches to OFF if the over high helix current persists.
I would say there is a difference between a few milliamps of over limit helix current and a catastrophic arc which might well melt the helix. Either way an expensive return to factory for new tube sounds likely...

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